

张力平, 主编







Part 1 Basic Experiments

Experiment 1 Observation of Bacterial Morphology

Ⅰ.Using Oil Immersion Lens of the Microscope

Ⅱ.Basic Morphology and Special Structurc of Bacteria

Experiment 2 Bacterial Staining and Microscopy

Ⅰ.Gram Stain

Ⅱ.Acid-fast Stain(Ziehl-Neelsen Method)

Experiment 3 Preparation of the Basic Medium

Experiment 4 Examination Methods of Parasitic Infections

Ⅰ.Direct Fecal Smear Method for Detecting Ascaris Eggs

Ⅱ.Examination for Ascaris I.arvae in Lung Tissue of Mice

Ⅲ.Saturated Brine Flotation Method for Detecting Hookworm Eggs

Ⅳ.Fecal Culture Method for Hookworm Larvac

Ⅴ.Cellophane Tape Method for Detecting Pinworm Eggs

Ⅵ.Direct Sputum Smear or Centrifugal Sedimentation Method for Detecting Paragonimus Eggs

Ⅶ.Squash Method for Detecting Striated Muscle Larvae of Trichmella

Ⅷ.Test of Concentration of Eggs by Sedimentation for Detecting S.Iaponicum Eggs

Ⅸ.The Miracidium Hatching Method for Detecting S.Japonicum

Ⅹ.Circumoval Precipitation Test(COPT) for Diagnosing Sc.histosomiasis

Ⅺ.Direct Stool Smear with Iodine-stain for Detecting Amoeba Cysts

Ⅻ.Blood Smear Method for Detecting Malarial Parasites

Experiment5 Agglutination Reaction

Ⅰ.Dircct Agglutination Reaction-Identification of the ABO Blood Group System

Ⅱ.Indirect Agglutination Reaction——-Anti-streptolysin O Test

Ⅲ.Indirect Agglutination Inhibition Reaction Latex Pregnancy Test

Experiment 6 Precipitation Reaction

Ⅰ.Single Radial Immunodiffusion Test

Ⅱ.Doublelmmunodiffusion Test

Experiment 7 Enzyme-Iinked Immunosorbent Assay(Sandwich ELISA Assay)

Part 2 Comprehensive Experiments

Unit 1 Isolation of Microorganisms from the Environment and Human Body

Experiment 8 Bacteria in the Air and Ultraviolet Radiation

Experiment 9 Bacteria on the Finger Tip and Solid Surface

Unit 2 Detection of Skin Infections

Experiment 10 Cultural Characteristics of Bacteria and Fungi(Teaching Demonstration)

Ⅰ.Clostridium Perfringens in the Milk Medium.

Ⅱ.Fungiin Sabouraud Dextrose Medium

Experiment 11 Observation of Plasmodium,Toxoplasma Gondii,Trichinella Spiralis,Echinococcus Granulosus and Insecta


Ⅱ.Toxoplasma Gondii

Ⅲ.Trichinella Spiralis

Ⅳ.Echinococcus Granulosus


Unit 3 Detection of Respiratory Infections

Experiment 12 Isolation & Identification of Pyogenic Cocci

Ⅰ.Isolation and Culture of Mimic Pus Swab and Throat Swab

Ⅱ.Coagulase Test

Experiment 13 Cultural Characteristics of Respiratory Infected Bacteria

Ⅰ.The Colonies of Pathogenic(Jocci on Blood Agar Plates(Teaching Demonstration)

Ⅱ.Mycobacterium Tuberculosis in Lowenstein Jensen Solid Medium(Teaching Demonstration)

Experiment 14 Observation of Paragonimus Westermani

Unit 4 Detection of Enteric Infections

Experiment 15 Isolation and Identification of Pathogenic Enterobacteria

Ⅰ.Isolation of Artificial Fecal Specimens

Ⅱ.Biochemical Activities of Enteric Pathogens-Kligler Iron Agar Test

Ⅲ.Serologic Identification of Enteric Pathogens

Experiment 16 Widal Test

Experiment 17 Observation of Ascaris lumbricoides,Hookworms,Enterobius Vermicularis,Taenia,Entamoeba and Cr yptos poridium

Ⅰ.Ascaris Lumbricoides

Ⅱ.Hookworms(Ancylostoma Duodenale and Necator Americanus)

Ⅲ.Enterobius Vermicularis

Ⅳ.Intestinal Cestodes(Taenia Solium and Taenia Saginata)

Ⅴ.Intestinal Protozoa(Entamoeba Histolytica and Entamoeba Coli)


Unit 5 Detection of Hepatic Infections

Experiment 18 Observation of Clonorchis Sinensis

Experiment 19 Observation of Schistosoma Ja ponicum

Unit 6 Detection of Genitourinary Tract Infections

Experiment 20 Observation of Chlamydia Trachomatis Inclusion

Unit 7 AntimicrobiaIResistance

Experiment 21 Bacterial Conjugation:the Transfer of Plasmids Coding for Antibiotic Resistance





This laboratory text is used to guide the students'learning and training of microbiology,parasitology and immunology lab techniques,procedures and experiments.The outcome expected is students'capacity of doing research in laboratory of microbiology, parasitologyand immunology.
The manual consists of two parts:PartⅠ——outlines the 8 basic experiments.PartⅡ——outlines the 21 comprehensive experiments of microbiology,parasitology and immunology.The involved experiments are designed to help enhance and deepen the students'un-derstanding of microbiology,parasitology and immunology.


尺寸28 × 22装帧平装
页数印数 2000


病原生物学与免疫学实验是高等教育出版社于2012.7出版的中图分类号为 R392-33 ,R37-33 的主题关于 病原微生物-实验-医学院校-教材-英文 ,免疫学-实验-医学院校-教材-英文 的书籍。