

徐振领, 编著







Part I Introduction

Chapter 1 History of International Trade

1.1 Trade in Ancient Ages: to the 1th Century BC

1.1.1 The market place

1.1.2 Waterborne traffice: 3000 - 1000 BC

1.1.3 The caravan: from 1000 BC

1.1.4 A trade route from China: 2nd century BC

1.2 Trade in Middle Ages: to the 15th Century AD

1.2.1 World trade: from the 1tt Century AD

1.2.2 The troding kingdoms of West Afriea: 5th- 15thc. AD

1.2.3 Vikings in Russia: from the 9th century AD

1.2.4 The Pax Mongoliea and the Silk Rood: 13th-14th Century AD

1.2.5 Hanseatic League: 12th - 17th Century AD

1.2.6 Ups and downs in the economy: 12th - 14th Century AD

1.2.7 The Portuguese slave trade: 15ts - 17th Century AD

1.2.8 Chinese sea trade: 15th Century

1.3 Trade in Modem Ages: Since 16th Century AD

1.3.1 Early Modem Ages

1.3.2 Later Modem Ages

1.3.3 Post War

Chapter 2 Basic Concepts of International Trade

2.1 International Trade and Foreign Trade

2.2 Value of Trade and Quantum of Trade

2.2.1 Value of Trade

2.2.2 Quantum of Trade

2.3 The Commodity Composition of Trade

2.4 Geographical Composition of Trade

2.5 Dependence Degree of Foreign Trade

2.6 Balance of Trade

2.7 Terms of Trade

Chapter 3 Basic Classifications of International Trade

3.1 Export Trade, hnport Trade and Transit Trade

3.2 Direct Trade, Indirect Trade and Entrepot Trade

3.3 Trade System : General Trade System and Special Trade System

3.4 Visible trade and invisible trade

Part Ⅱ The Causes of Trade

Chapter 4 Traditional Trade Theory : Gains from Specialization

4.1 Comparative Advantage Theory: Differences in Technogy

4.1.1 Mercantilism

4.1.2 Adam Smith's Theory of Absolute Advantage

4.1.3 The Theory of Comparative Advantage

4.1.4 Microeconomie Analysis of Comparative Advantage

4.2 H-O Theory : Differences in resource endowments

4.2.1 The Heckseher-Ohlin Theory

4.2.2 The Standard Heckseher -Ohlin Model

4.2.3 Empirical Tests of the Heckscher-Ohlin Theory

4.3 Intermediate inputs, services, tasks and fragmentation

4.3.1 Intermediate inputs and comparative advantage

4.3.2 Trade in services and comparative advantage

4.3.3 Trade in tasks, fragmentation and comparative of advantage

Chapter 5 New Trade Theory

5.1 Intra-industry Trade

5.2 Imperfect Competition and Trade

5.2.1 Monopolistic Competition

5.2.2 Reciprocal Dumping

Part Ⅲ Trade, The Location of Production and The Industrial Organization of Firms

Chapter 6 Falling International Trade Costs

6.1 Tariff and Non-tariff Costs

6.2 Transport Costs

6.3 Costs of Connecting People

Chapter 7 Geographical Concentration

7.1 New Economic Geography

7.2 Home Market and Magnification Effects

7.3 Agglomeration Effects

7.4 Core-periphery Effects

Chapter 8 International Fragmentation of Production

8.1 Offshoring of Goods and Services

8.1.1 Expansion of Offshoring Goods and Services

8.1.2 The Most Offshoring Countries and Seetoral Composition of Offshoring

8.2 The economics of International Organization of Production

8.2.1 The decision to offshore

8.2.2 Offshoring: arm's-length transactions or vertical FDI

8.2.3 Barriers hindering entry to international production networks

Part IV International Trade Poeliey

Chapter 9 Tariffs

9.1 An Introduction to Tariffs

9.2 Effects of Tariff

9.2.1 Microeconoralc Analytical Instruments

9.2.2 The Effects of a Tariff

9.2.3 The Theory of Tariff Structure

Chapter 10 Non-Tariff Measures

10.1 Preshipment Inspection

10.2 Customs Valuation

10.3 Rules of Origin

10.4 Licensing

10.5 State Trading Enterprises

10.6 Government Procurement

10.7 Standards and Other Technical Requirements

10.8 Export PromotiOns

Chapter 11 Contingency Trade Measures

11.1 Anti-dumping

11.2 Subsidies and Countervailing Measures

11.3 Safeguard Measures

Part V Trade Agreements and Arrangements

Chapter 12 GATT and WTO

12.1 The GAIT years: from Havana to Marrakesh

12.2 The Uruguay Round

12.3 Principles of the trading system

12.4 The WTO Organization

12.5 A Navigational Guide to the Agreements

12.6 Setting Disputes

12.6.1 A unique contribution

12.6.2 The Panel Process

19.6.3 Case study: the timetable in practice

Chapter 13 Regional Economic Integration

13.1 Introduction to Regional Economic Integration

13.2 The Static and Dynamic Effects of Economic Integration

13.3 Integration in Europe

13.4 Regional Trade Arrangements of China





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国际贸易理论与政策是国防工业出版社于2013.6出版的中图分类号为 F74 的主题关于 国际贸易理论-英文 ,国际贸易政策-英文 的书籍。