

许俊丹, 编著







Unit 1 Habits and Health习惯与健康

Passage 1 It's Time for Breakfast该吃早饭了

Passage 2 Don't Read on the Running Bus不要在乘车时看书

Passage 3 Early to Bed and Rise早睡早起

Passage 4 Give up Smoking戒炯

Passage 5 Benefits of Bicycling骑自行车的益处

Passage 6 More Rest and Fresh Air多休息和新鲜空气

Passage 7 Brush Your Teeth Every Day每天刷牙

Passage 8 Choices for TV对电视的选择

Unit 2 Colourful Childhood精彩童年

Passage 1 Only One Who Could Answer只有他能答得出

Passage 2 The Same Mother同一个妈妈

Passage 3 It's Your Turn,Dad轮到你了,爸爸

Passage 4 A Test on April Fools'Day愚人节的考试

Passage 5 My Holiday in Hainan我的海南假期

Passage 6 I Can Swim Quickly我游得很快

Passage 7 Please Have My Seat请坐我的座位

Passage 8 Who Can Teach Me to Swim?谁能教我游泳?

Unit 3 Beautiful Seasons美丽四季

Passage 1 My Favourite Seasons我最喜爱的季节

Passage 2 The Colours of Seasons季节的色彩

Passage 3 The Four Seasons四季

Passage 4 The Weather of My Hometown家乡的天气

Passage 5 Spring春天

Passage 6 Summer夏天

Passage 7 Autumn秋天

Passage 8 It Snowed下雪了

Unit 4 Steps of Growth成长足迹

Passage 1 The First Day of a New Term新学期的第一天

Passage 2 Teachers'Day Is Coming教师节到了

Passage 3 My School Life我的校园生活

Passage 4 In the Library在图书馆里

Passage 5 A Letter from Emily来自艾米丽的一封信

Passage 6 Thanksgiving Day感恩节

Passage 7 News about a Picnic野餐通知

Passage 8 About Summer Camp夏令营

Unit 5 Ways and Methods方式与方法

Passage 1 Before You Go out在你外出之前

Passage 2 Tips of Swimming游泳小贴士

Passage 3 When You Have a Headache当你头痛时

Passage 4 Fishing in a Frozen Lake冻湖里钓鱼

Passage 5 How to Sleep Well怎样睡好觉

Passage 6 Making a Scrambled Egg煎鸡蛋

Passage 7 How to Plant Trees怎样植树

Passage 8 How to Protect Eyes如何保护眼睛

Unit 6 The Scenery of Cities城市风情

Passage 1 Greenland格陵兰岛

Passage 2 Santa Claus'Village圣诞老人的家乡

Passage 3 The Sleepless Hong Kong不夜城——香港

Passage 4 The Big Apple大苹果

Passage 5 Venice威尼斯

Passage 6 The Cities of USA美国的城市

Passage 7 Welcome to Beijing北京欢迎你

Passage 8 Zoos and Parks in London伦敦的动物园和公园

Unit 7 The Window of Knowledge知识之窗

Passage 1 Useful Numbers有用的数字

Passage 2 Sandwich三明治

Passage 3 Where Is Salt from?盐是从哪里来的?

Passage 4 Playing Chess下棋

Passage 5 Rabbits in the Sea海洋里的兔子

Passage 6 How to Find a Good Job如何找到一份好工作

Passage 7 Mother's Day母亲节

Passage 8 The Number 13数字13

Unit 8 The Development and the Future发展与木来

Passage 1 In the Year 2050在2050年

Passage 2 Computers in the Future未来的电脑

Passage 3 The Future Cars未来的汽车

Passage 4 What do You Want to Be?长大后,你想做什么?

Passage 5 I Want to Be a Volunteer我想当个志愿者

Passage 6 Shopping Online网上购物

Passage 7 The Popular Colour流行色

Passage 8 A Bicycle or a Car自行车还是轿车

Unit 9 Dreams and Happiness梦想与幸福

Passage 1 My Dream Home我的梦想家同

Passage 2 My Boyhood我的童年时代

Passage 3 Who Can Be a Hero?谁能成为英雄?

Passage 4 Our World我们的世界

Passage 5 Chasing Happiness追逐幸福

Passage 6 If Wind Had Colours倘若风有颜色

Passage 7 The City Mouse and the Country Mouse城里老鼠和乡下老鼠

Passage 8 Happiness快乐

Unit 10 Interesting Stories(I)趣闻乐事(一)

Passage l A Rich Woman's Present富婆的礼物

Passage 2 A Good Boy or a Bad Boy好孩子,还是坏孩子

Passage 3 The Elephant's Ears大象的耳朵

Passage 4 Far or Near远还是近

Passage 5 The Policeman and the Writer警察与作家

Passage 6 A Golf Ball高尔夫球

Passage 7 An Awkward Situation尴尬的处境

Passage 8 Father's Things父亲的东西

Unit 11 Interesting Sorties(Ⅱ)趣闻乐事(二)

Passage 1 Only Wrong by Two只比正确答案多二

Passage 2 Tw0 Mental Patients两个精神病人

Passage 3 The Word“Miracle”词语“奇迹”

Passage 4 An Ice.cream Cone冰淇淋蛋筒

Passage 5 The ProfeSSOF's Lunch教授的午餐

Passage 6 Come to Say Goodbye送行

Passage 7 How did You Get Here?你是怎样来的?

Passage 8 The Broom Seller and the Barber卖扫帚的人和理发师

Passage 9 Want a Day Off想请一天假

Passage 10 Imaginary假想

Unit 12 The Stories of Wisdom智慧故事

Passage 1 A Bee and a Bird蜜蜂与小鸟

Passage 2 A Clever Way聪明的方法

Passage 3 A Blind Carried a Lantern盲人打灯笼

Passage 4 Nails钉子

Passage 5 The Father and His Sons父与子

Passage 6 A Miser守财奴

Passage 7 The Life Secret人生的秘诀

Passage 8 The Old Man and the Monkeys老人和猴子

Passage 9 The Farmer and the Eagle农夫与鹰

Passage 10 The Fox without a Tail没有尾巴的狐狸




丛书名新英语(New English)系列丛书
尺寸24 × 17装帧平装
页数 188 印数 2000


极地阅读是兰州大学出版社于2013.7出版的中图分类号为 G624.313 的主题关于 英语-阅读教学-小学-课外读物 的书籍。