

(美) 桑德拉, 编







DedicationAcknowledgmentsA word from the authorWelcome to Grammar in Context, Fourth EditionFrequently Asked Questions About Teaching with Grammar in ContextLesson 1 GRAMMAR The Present Perfect; The Present Perfect Continuous CONTEXT Jobs 1.1 An Overview READING Job Resume and Cover Letter 1.2 The Present Perfect Tense--Forms 1.3 The Past Participle 1.4 The Present Perfect--Contractions 1.5 The Present Perfect--Question Formation 1.6 Uses of the Present Perfect Tense--An Overview

DedicationAcknowledgmentsA word from the authorWelcome to Grammar in Context, Fourth EditionFrequently Asked Questions About Teaching with Grammar in ContextLesson 1 GRAMMAR The Present Perfect; The Present Perfect Continuous CONTEXT Jobs 1.1 An Overview READING Job Resume and Cover Letter 1.2 The Present Perfect Tense--Forms 1.3 The Past Participle 1.4 The Present Perfect--Contractions 1.5 The Present Perfect--Question Formation 1.6 Uses of the Present Perfect Tense--An Overview 1.7 The Present Perfect with Continuation from Past to Present 1.8 Negative Statements with Since, For, and In 1.9 The Present Perfect vs. the Simple Present READING Where Have All the Jobs Gone? 1.10 The Present Perfect Continuous 1.11 The Present Perfect vs. the Simple Past 1.12 The Present Perfect with Repetition from Past to Present 1.13 The Present Perfect vs. the Simple Past with Repetition READING The Occupational Outlook Handbook 1.14 The Present Perfect with Indefinite Past Time--An Overview 1.15 Questions with Ever 1.16 Yet, Already 1.17 Questions with Lately and Recently 1.18 The Present Perfect Continuous with Ongoing Activities 1.19 The Present Perfect with No Time Mentioned 1.20 The Present Perfect vs. the Present Perfect Continuous with No Time Mentioned Summary of Lesson 1 Editing Advice Lesson 1 Test/Review Expansion ActivitiesLesson 2 GRAMMAR Passive Voice; Participles Used as Adjectives; Get + Participlesand Adjectives CONTEXT Hollywood 2.1 Passive Voice--An Overview READING The Oscars 2.2 The Passive Voice--Form 2.3 The Passive and Active Voice--Uses 2.4 The Passive Voice without an Agent 2.5 The Passive Voice with an Agent 2.6 Verbs with Two Objects READING The History of Animation 2.7 Transitive and Intransitive Verbs 2.B The Passive with Get 2.9 Participles Used as Adjectives READING Charlie Chaplin 2.10 Participles Used as Adjectives to Show Feelings 2.11 Other Past Participles Used as Adjectives READING Being Famous 2.12 Past Participles and Other Adjectives with Get Summary of Lesson 2 Editing Advice Lesson 2 Test/Review Expansion ActivitiesLesson 3 GRAMMAR The Past Continuous; The Past Perfect; The Past Perfect Continuous; Comparison of Past Tenses CONTEXT Disasters and Tragedies 3.1 Overview of Past Tenses READING The Columbia Tragedy 3.2 The Past Continuous--Forms 3.3 The Past Continuous Tense--Uses 3.4 The Past Continuous or the Simple Past READING The Titanic 3.5 The Past Perfect Tense--Forms 3.6 The Past Perfect--Use 3.7 When with the Simple Past or the Past Perfect ……Lesson 4Lesson 5Lesson 6Lesson 7Lesson 8Lesson 9Lesson 10AppendicesIndex






英语语境语法3教师参考用书是北京大学出版社于2006.08出版的中图分类号为 H314 的主题关于 英语-语法-高等学校-教学参考资料 的书籍。