SECTION 1>NEWS AND FEATURES 1.A hunger for English lessons 2.Have foreign MBA,will travel in Chinese business 3.As smoke clears,tobacco maker opens lounge 4.Secret wealth vs.'for richer,for poorer' .SECTION 2>OPINION 5.Nuclear power industry feels the wind at its back 6.Women's work/The wages of equality:A world of unfinished business… 7.Managing globalization:If it's here to stay,what do we do now? 8.Chances a low-fat diet will help?Slim and noneSECTION 3>BUSINESS 9.Music business finds little to sing about 10.Spotlight:A wedding planner for a new Japan 11.Cross-cultural training:How much difference does it really make? 12.The beauty premium:Why good looks pay
SECTION 1>NEWS AND FEATURES 1.A hunger for English lessons 2.Have foreign MBA,will travel in Chinese business 3.As smoke clears,tobacco maker opens lounge 4.Secret wealth vs.'for richer,for poorer' .SECTION 2>OPINION 5.Nuclear power industry feels the wind at its back 6.Women's work/The wages of equality:A world of unfinished business… 7.Managing globalization:If it's here to stay,what do we do now? 8.Chances a low-fat diet will help?Slim and noneSECTION 3>BUSINESS 9.Music business finds little to sing about 10.Spotlight:A wedding planner for a new Japan 11.Cross-cultural training:How much difference does it really make? 12.The beauty premium:Why good looks paySECTION 4>LIFESTYLE 13.Retiring to cheaper climes?Caveat emptor 14.Cityscape:Street chef in a city that loves its food 15.The name game:Can anyone famous be a designer? 16.Stressed executives flee the pressureSECTION 5>ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT 17.Portrait:A rising star in Chinese cinema 18.Swedes step ahead on ethnic harmony 19.Film:The audience speaks Spanish but not at the multiplex 20.A British invasion for the digital ageSECTION 6>TECHNOLOGY,SClEN(:E,AND HEALTH . 21.Is Internet auctioneer an arena for criminals? 22.Global warming:Adapting to a new reality 23.Fake malaria pills haunt Asians 24.Keeping in touch the blogger wayINSTRUCTOR'S MANUALGLOSSARY
《新闻英语阅读》(Reading the News)精选全球颇具影响力的报纸《国际先驱论坛报》(International Herald Tribune)中原汁原味的真实新闻报道作为课文,每篇课文都配有大量阅读练习及辅助理解材料。 选材24篇,根据主题分为六大单元:新闻与特写、言论、商业、生活、艺术与娱乐、科技与健康。 选材长度、难度适中,语言准确地道,旨在帮助学生提高阅读英文报刊的理解能力,掌握一些新闻专业词汇和语言技巧。 介绍和分析英语新闻文体特色等有关英文报刊的一些专业知识,培养学生对时事新闻阅读和写作的兴趣。 专为参加托福、托业及雅思考试(TOEFL/TOElC/IELTS)的学生提供了标准化样式的练习。 全书共分为学生用书、教师用书和词汇表三个部分。 本教程可供英语专业二、三年级学生作为英语报刊阅读教程或泛读辅助教程,也可供新闻传媒专业的学生作为专业英语教程及其他完成基础阶段学习的非英语学生作为提高阅读水平的教程。参加TOEFL,TOEIC和IELTS等各类考试的考生也可选用。
本教程旨在提高学生阅读英文报刊的理解能力和语言技巧,包括在阅读、听力及词汇等方面的技能,并通过对英文报刊知识特征的介绍和分析,培养他们对时事的兴趣。 本教程共选用24篇《国际先驱论坛报》上的真实新闻报道作为课文,根据主题共分为六大单元:新闻与特写、言论、商业、生活、艺术与娱乐、科技与健康。选材长度和难度适中,语言准确地道,课文各具特色。每篇课文都配有大量阅读练习及辅助理解材料,包括PRE-READlNG TASKS,READlNG FOC[JS,COMPREHENSION WORK,VOCABULARY WORK,EXAM PREPARATION TASKS和DISCUSSION PROMPTS等项。
书籍详细信息 | |||
书名 | 新闻英语阅读站内查询相似图书 | ||
丛书名 | 大学美英报刊教材系列 | ||
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出版地 | 北京 | 出版单位 | 北京大学出版社 |
版次 | 影印本 | 印次 | 1 |
定价(元) | 26.0 | 语种 | 简体中文 |
尺寸 | 26 | 装帧 | 平装 |
页数 | 印数 | 5000 |
新闻英语阅读是北京大学出版社于2007.05出版的中图分类号为 H319.4 的主题关于 新闻-英语-阅读教学-高等学校-教材 的书籍。