

王岳川, 主编







吾淳,亦名吾敬东,祖籍浙江衢州,1955年生于上海。现为上海师范大学哲学与跨文化研究所教授,主要从事中国思维与哲学发生和范型问题研究,兼涉中国古代科学、伦理、宗教以及艺术。发表学术论文百余篇,出版各类著作十余部,其中中国文化研究已形成系列,包括:《中国思维形态——发生与成型期的考察》(上海人民出版社,1998)、《古代中国科学范型——从文化、思维和哲学的角度考察》(中华书局,2002)、《中国社会的伦理生活——主要关于儒家伦理可能性问题的研究》(中华书局,2007)、《中国社会的宗教传统——巫术与伦理的对立和共存》(上海三联书店,2009)、《中国哲学的起源——前诸子时期观念、概念、思想发生发展与成型的历史》(上海人民出版社,2010)。   Wu Chun, alias Wu Jingdong, is a native of Quzhou, Zhejiang born in Shanghai in 1955. Now he is a professor at the Institute of Philosophy and Cross-culture,Shanghai Normal University, mainly studying the issue of the occurrence and paradigm ofChinese thought and philosophy and also engaging in the study of Chinese ancient science, ethics, religion and art. He has published more than 100 academic papers and more than ten works. His works on Chinese cultural studieshave become a series, including Chinese Thinking Pattern – A Survey of the Occurrence and Formation Period (Shanghai People’s Publishing House, 1998), Paradigm of Ancient Chinese Science – Surveyed from the Perspective of Culture, Thought and Philosophy (Zhonghua Book Company, 2002), Ethical Life in the Chinese Society – A Study Focusing on the Issue of the Possibility of Confucian Ethics (Zhonghua Book Company, 2007),Religious Traditions in the Chinese Society – Opposition and Coexistence of Sorcery and Ethics (Shanghai SDX Joint Publishing Company, 2009) and The Origin of Chinese Philosophy –The History of the Occurrence, Development and Formation of Ideas, Concepts and Thoughts before the Period of the Hundred Schools of Thought (Shanghai People’s Publishing House, 2010).


  This book introduces Chinese philosophy alongthe line of topics instead of the line of history. The book has five topics, including: what is the nature of the world; what are the relationships among things; what are social norms; what is the orientation of life; what is the cognitive structure. The first two parts are about views on nature or the world; the third and fourth parts are about views on society and life; the fifth part is about views on cognition and wisdom. This book is intended to give readers the most basic understanding of profound Chinese philosophical thoughts as well as the most excellent and greatest wise ancient Chinese people and wisdom.


  Chinese philosophy is extensive and profound. The advocacy of benevolence by Confucianism, which reflects a broad-minded, virtue-based attitude toward the world, is the most valuable quality of the Chinese nation-- – a sublime spirit that is now in the blood of the whole nation. The Taoist wisdom, which is as infinite as heaven and earth and as inexhaustible as rivers, provides a deep and undying source and eternal motivation for the survival and development of the Chinese nation. In fact, Chinese philosophy based on Confucianism and Taoism is among the most important and most precious cultural legacy of the whole humankind. The virtue and wisdom contained therein can be compared to those in any other great tradition of humanity. In order to present a relatively complete overview of Chinese philosophy and its issues, this book has adopted for its narrative a combination of ideas, concepts and categories with thoughts, theories and doctrines.


尺寸21 × 21装帧平装
页数 224 印数 600


中国文化系列是五洲传播出版社于2015.4出版的中图分类号为 K203 ,B2 的主题关于 文化史-中国-波斯语 ,哲学思想-思想史-中国-波斯语 的书籍。