

韩彦枝, 主编







Chapter 1 Applying Words Properly

1.1 Types of words

1.1.1 Common words, technical words and nonstandard words

1.1.2 Formal words and colloquial words

1.1.3 Abstract words and concrete words

1.1.4 General words and specific words

1.2 Meanings of words

1.2.1 Polysemy

1.2.2 Denotation and connotation

1.2.3 Context and meaning

1.3 Synonyms

1.4 The use of words

1.4.1 Collocation

1.4.2 The usage of a word

1.4.3 Variety in using words

1.5 Idiom

1.6 Diction

1.7 Exercises

Chapter 2 Writing Correct and Effective Sentences

2.1 Types of sentences

2.1.1 Classified according to the elements

2.1.2 Classified according to function

2.1.3 Classified according to structure

2.1.4 Classified according to length

2.1.5 Classified according to rhetoric

2.1.6 Exercises

2.2 Effective sentences

2.2.1 Unity

2.2.2 Conciseness

2.2.3 Clarity

2.2.5 Variety

2.2.6 Emphasis within sentences

2.2.7 Emphatic sentences

2.2.8 Exercises

2.3 Sentence skills

2.3.1 Complete sentences, minor sentences and sentence fragments

2.3.2 Coherence and incoherence

2.3.3 Fused sentences or run-on sentences

2.3.4 Comma splices and comma faults

2.4 Effective sentence patterns for English writing

2.5 Exercises

Chapter 3 Paragraph

3.1 Isolated paragraph

3.1.1 Controlling idea

3.1.2 Support of the controlling idea

3.2 Five-paragraph writing

3.2.1 Introductory paragraph

3.2.2 Topic sentence

3.2.3 Central paragraph

3.2.4 Concluding paragraph

3.2.5 Transitional words and phrases

3.2.6 Developing paragraph

3.2.7 Exercises

Chapter 4 Writing a Whole Essay

4.1 Steps in writing a whole essay

4.1.1 Planning

4.1.2 Drafting

4.1.3 Revision

4.1.4 Finalizing

4.2 Main parts of an essay

4.2.1 The opening part

4.2.2 The developing part

4.2.3 The closing part

4.3 Types of writing

4.3.1 Description

4.3.2 Narration

4.3.3 Argumentation

4.3.4 Exposition

4.4 Exercises

4.3 Types of writing

4.3.1 Description

4.3.2 Narration

4.3.3 Argumentation

4.3.4 Exposition

4.4 Exercises

Chapter 5 Practical Writing

5.1 Letters

5.1.1 Introduction

5.1.2 Format of letters

5.1.3 Letters of introduction

5.1.4 Job application letters

5.1.5 Application for admittance

5.1.6 Exercises

5.2 Resume

5.2.1 Brief introduction

5.2.2 Content and organization

5.2.3 Sample writing

5.2.4 Exercises

5.3 Brief messages

5.3.1 Notes

5.3.2 Greeting cards

5.3.3 Notices

5.3.4 Fax messages

5.3.5 E-mails

5.3.6 Exercises

Chapter 6 CETWriting

6.1 Introduction of CET writing

6.1.1 Requirements

6.1.2 Principles of scoring

6.1.3 Standards of scoring

6.2 Analysis on types of writing

6.2.1 Topic sentence composition

6,2.2 Key words composition

6.2.3 Outline composition

6.2.4 Composition based on tables, graphs, charts, etc

Chapter 7 Writing a Research Paper

7.1 Steps in writing a research paper

7.1.1 Choosing a suitable topic

7.1.2 Collecting useful data for your paper

7.1.3 Analyzing materials and forming the outline

7.1.4 Drafting the paper

7.1.5 Revision and finalizing

7.2 The format of a research paper

7.2.1 The structure of a paper

7.2.2 Using quotations

7.2.3 The format for adding notes and the final bibliography

7.3 Exercises

Chapter 8 Using Rhetoric Appropriately

8.1 Lexical stylistic devices

8.1.1 Simile

8.1.2 Metaphor

8.1.3 Metonymy

8.1.4 Synecdoche

8.1.5 Personification

8.1.6 Hyperbole

8.1.7 Understatement

8.1.8 Transferred epithet

8.1.9 Euphemism

8.1.10 Pun

8.1.11 Irony

8.1.12 Paradox

8.1.13 Oxymoron

8.1.14 Allusion

8.2 Syntactical stylistic devices

8.2.1 Repetition

8.2.2 Climax

8.2.3 Anticlimax

8.2.4 Antithesis

8.2.5 Parallelism

8.2.6 Rhetorical question


Chapter 9 Punctuation and Manuscript Form


Answers to exercises





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实用英文写作是国防工业出版社于2010.3出版的中图分类号为 H315 的主题关于 英语-写作-高等学校-教材 的书籍。