

周彦霁, 编著







Unit 1 Life Technology生活和科技

Passage 1 A“Magic”Planter神奇的花盆

Passage 2 The Super Mini Car超级迷你小汽车

Passage 3 The Smart Bed智能床

Passage 4 Thermo Mirror体温镜

Passage 5 The Grass in the Room室内草地

Passage 6 Magic Arms神奇的手臂

Unit 2 Fashion Technology时尚科技

Passage 1 Chocolate Printer巧克力打印机

Passage 2 The Laptop on the Jeans计算机牛仔裤

Passage 3 Angry Birds Space《愤怒的小鸟》太空版

Passage 4 New Ostrich Pillow新鲜的鸵鸟枕

Passage 5 Let's Pizza玩转比萨

Passage 6 The Intelligent Glasses智能眼镜

Passage 7 Scooter Suitcase滑板行李箱

Passage 8 Mood Bracelets情绪手镯

Unit 3 Magic Robot神奇机器人

Passage 1 A Clever Robot聪明的机器人

Passage 2 Baby Robot and Parenting Skills婴儿机器人和育婴技巧

Passage 3 A Real-life Wall-E Robot真实版机器人瓦力

Passage 4 Ironman Triathlon Robot铁人三项全能机器人

Passage 5 A Flying Robot飞行机器人

Passage 6 Dustcart Robot垃圾车机器人

Unit 4 Green Technology绿色科技

Passage 1 A Huge Floating Garden巨大的水上花园

Passage 2 A Magic Invention神奇的发明

Passage 3 The Oasis沙漠绿洲

Passage 4 The P1astic Bottle School塑料瓶学校

Passage 5 The Ec0一friendly Bike环保自行车

Passage 6 IndoorPlants室内盆栽植物

Passage 7 The Wooden Bicycles木制自行车

Passage 8 The Solar-powered Yacht太阳能游艇

Unit 5 Future World未来世界

Passage 1 The Future City未来城市

Passage 2 What Is the Life Like in 2050? 2050年的生活是什么样子?

Passage 3 The World's First Neutrino-messaging Service世界首次中微子通信

Passage 4 Curiosity on Mars“好奇号”登陆火星

Passage 5 Seoul's Future Technology Museum首尔未来科技博物馆

Passage 6 Driverless Cars to Hit Roads无人驾驶汽车上路

Passage 7 Bill Gates'High-tech House比尔盖茨的高科技之家

Unit 6 Energy Technology能源科技

Passage 1 A Car That Runs on Air空气动能汽车

Passage 2 Turning Trash into Treasure变废为宝

Passage 3 The Amazing Bicycle神奇的自行车

Passage 4 The Latest Source of Biofuel最新的生物燃料资源

Passage 5 Developing Green Energy发展绿色能源

Passage 6 Green Gym环保健身房

Unit 7 Intelligent Technology智能科技

Passage 1 App Designed to Help Parents Find Missing Children应用软件寻找走失的孩子

Passage 2 High-tech Toilet高科技厕所

Passage 3 The Electronic Hoarding电子广告牌

Passage 4 The Car Can Change Its Look百变汽车

Passage 5 Smart Apps Change Your Life智能应用改变生活

Passage 6 The Intelligent Car智能汽车

Unit 8 Space Travel太空遨游

Passage 1 What do the Planets' Names Mean?行星名字的内涵

Passage 2 Space Toilet太空厕所

Passage 3 The Rubber Chicken Goes to Space橡胶小鸡畅游太空

Passage 4 The Human Space Travel人类的太空之旅

Passage 5 The 100-year Starship Project百年星舰计划

Passage 6 Space Elevator太空电梯

Passage 7 Lunar Oasis月球绿洲

Unit 9 Underwater World水底世界

Passage 1 Whales:Swimmer.singers鲸鱼歌王

Passage 2 Jiaolong Succeeds in World's First 7,000-meter Dive“蛟龙”挑战深潜成功

Passage 3 Deep Sea Exploration深海探险

Passage 4 The Floating Lair漂浮度假村

Passage 5 Underwater Park水下公园

Passage 6 An Interesting Underwater Sport有趣的水下运动

Unit 10 Health and Diet健康与饮食

Passage 1 Drop the Peeler and Eat the Skin丢下削皮器,吃掉水果皮

Passage 2 The Smartphone Face手机脸

Passage 3 The Edible Packaging可食用包装

Passage 4 A Robotic Bear Cures for Snoring治打鼾的机器熊

Passage 5 Fresh Food Could Last for Years新鲜食物可保鲜数年

Passage 6 Quitting E-mail Is Good for Your Heart远离手机邮件对心脏有益

Unit 11 Digital Channel数码频道

Passage 1 The Mobile with a Battery That Lasts for 15 Years超长待机王

Passage 2 The First TV Channel for Dogs首个狗狗电视频道

Passage 3 China Launched First 3D Television Channel中国首个3D电视频道开播

Passage 4 Replacing Textbooks with Tablets平板电脑取代教科书

Passage 5 Reading Encyclopedia Britannica Online在线阅读《大英百科全书》

Passage 6 You Can Control Your Dreams你的梦你做主

Unit 12 Science and Dream科学与梦想

Passage 1 Spectacular Invention令人惊叹的发明

Passage 2 Little Star Has a Bright Future小星星,大未来

Passage 3 The History of Electricity电的历史

Passage 4 The InventionsoftheFuture未来发明

Passage 5 Banana Piano香蕉钢琴

Passage 6 An Invention Allows Paraplegics to Walk Again帮助截瘫患者重新站起来的发明

Unit 13 Interesting Buildings仃趣的建筑

Passage 1 The Coolest Place to Work in the World世界上最凉爽的办公地点

Passage 2 Tiny Apartment微型公寓

Passage 3 The Floating Five-star Hotel漂浮宾馆

Passage 4 The 65-Storey Building below Ground 65层的地下建筑

Passage 5 Sky Garden空中花园

Passage 6 Underground Casdes地下城堡

Passage 7 TheHotelintheTrees树上酒店

Unit 14 Imagination and Inspiration奇思妙想

Passage l Talking Bins in Inndon伦敦会说话的垃圾箱

Passage 2 A Considerate Invention体贴的发明

Passage 3 Magic Mirror to Try Your Clothes试衣魔镜

Passage 4 A Cool Bike酷车

Passage 5 A 24-Hour ATM to Buy Cakes 24小时蛋糕售卖机

Passage 6 Future Mail Service慢递服务

Passage 7 “iBrain” to Help Hawking Communicate More Easy“读心”装置帮助霍金更容易交流

Unit 15 Research and Discovery研究与发现

Passage 1 Talking to YourselfHelps You Find Things自言自语有助找东西

Passage 2 The Renew Sleep Clock睡眠更新钟

Passage 3 Weight and Diet体重和饮食

Passage 4 NoddingoffIstheBestWaytoI~arn打盹有助记忆

Passage 5 Cellphone Obsession手机危机

Passage 6 The “Invisible” Language ofPlants植物的无形语言

Passage 7 Turned Milk into Fabric变牛奶为布




丛书名新英语(New English)系列丛书
尺寸24 × 17装帧平装
页数 228 印数 2000


极地阅读是兰州大学出版社于2013.7出版的中图分类号为 G634.413 的主题关于 英语-阅读教学-高中-课外读物 的书籍。