口语交际语言功能(OLF)是口语话语的重要特征,它的使用情况是口语能力的重要体现(见Weir,1993;O’Sullivan et al., 2002等)。然而,它的实际价值以及如何快速、有效地对其进行评估似乎鲜有涉及。本论文旨在提供一套口语交际语言功能模型以试图解决这一问题。该模型以Bachman & Palmer(1996)交际语言能力理论下的语用能力概念以及Bygate(1987)的口语技能理论框架为理论基础,以O’Sull ivan et al.(2002)的口语语言功能实证模型为实证基础,经过7个阶段的试验性应用、评估及修改设计而成。文章以SWECCL2.0语料库中的全国英语专业四级口试对话任务为研究工具,通过对语料的标注、检索,分析了中国大学生口语交际语言功能的实际使用特征。
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Study background
1.1.1 Oral interaction
1.1.2 Language function
1.1.3 Oral test tasks
1.1.4 Role-playing task of TEM 4 oral test
1.2 Study objectives and significance
1.2.1 Study objectives
1.2.2 Study significance
1.3 Study configuration
1.4 Summary
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 The definition of oral-interactional language functions
2.1.1 The main theories and researches related to OLF
2.1.2 Critical thinking and initial definition of OLF
2.2 The reasons for the study on OLF
2.2.1 Requirements from teaching syllabus
2.2.2 Feedback from teachers
2.2.3 Feedback from students
2.2.4 Theoretical supports
2.3 Reasons for choosing pair work
2.4 Summary
Chapter 3 The OLF Theoretical Model
3.1 Model construction bases
3.1.1 Theoretical basis
3.1.2 Empirical basis
3.2 Model development process
3.3 Model makeup and interpretation
3.4 Definitions of OLF within the model
3.4.1 Informational functions
3.4.2 Interactional functions
3.4.3 Managing interaction
3.5 OLF characteristics
3.6 Model applicability and explanative force
3.6.1 Model applicability
3.6.2 Model explanative force
3.7 Summary
Chapter 4 Study Design
4.1 Study questions
4.2 Study plan and methodology
4.3 Corpora analysis
4.3.1 Corpora collection and classification
4.3.2 Corpora encoding and tagging
4.3.3 Data processing
4.4 Questionnaire survey
4.4.1 Questionnaire design
4.4.2 Data processing
4.5 Summary
Chapter 5 Corpora Analysis on the Patterns of OLF
5.1 Tagging reliability
5.2 Distribution features of OLF
5.2.1 General features
5.2.2 Local features
5.3 Factor-based OLF elicitation correlations
5.3.1 OLF elicitation correlation with regard to the testing
5.3.2 OLF elicitation correlation with regard to oral
5.3.3 OLF elicitation correlation with regard to gender
5.3.4 OLF elicitation correlation with regard to the factor of role
5.4 Discussion
5.5 Summary
Chapter 6 Questionnaire Survey on the Values of OLF
6.1 Questionnaire reliability
6.2 Questionnaire validity
6.3 Distribution features of VOLF
6.4 Discussion
6.5 Summary
Chapter 7 Correlation Study between POLF and VOLF
7.1 Correlation analysis
7.2 Discussion
7.3 Summary
Chapter 8 Conclusions
8.1 Value assessment results
8.2 Implications and recommendations
8.2.1 Toward oral English teaching syllabus design
8.2.2 Toward oral English classroom teaching
8.2.3 Toward oral English testing
8.2.4 Toward oral English learning
8.3 Limitations
8.4 Research orientations
8.5 Summary
Appendix Ⅰ
Appendix Ⅱ
Appendix Ⅲ
Appendix Ⅳ
Appendix Ⅴ
《英语口语交际语言功能价值评估》作者以Bachman及Palmer交际语言能力理论下的语用能力概念、Bygate的口语技能理论模式、 O'Sullivan et al.的口语语言功能模型及高校英语教学大纲为基础,以全国英语专业四级口试对话任务的真实语料为研究工具,结合大规模问卷调查系统地构建并且评估了中国大学生的英语口语交际语言功能。作者提出的口语交际语言功能评估模型具备可行性与科学性,有利于教师把握课堂环境下学生的英语口语交际特征与思维习惯,促进对口语交际能力的培养。研究结果发现了在测试环境下每项口语交际语言功能的相对价值,对细化英语教学大纲有借鉴意义。《英语口语交际语言功能价值评估》的读者对象为从事英语口语教学及评估的科研人员与专业研究生,也可供高等院校英语教师参考使用。