

郑群强, 主编







Unit 1 The Future ofthe World未来世界

Passage 1 Cities in the Future未来城市

Passage 2 The Earth.scraper摩地大楼

Passage 3 Ziggurat现代金字塔

Passage 4 Dragonfly Vertical Farm蜻蜓垂直农场

Unit 2 Our Earth我们的地球

Passage 1 More Concerns About Environmental Crisis更加关注环境危机

Passage 2 Human Activities Aggravate Global Warming


Passage 3 The 1960 Chile Earthquake 1960年的智利大地震

Passage 4 Antarctica is I~sing Ice at an Increasing Rate


Unit 3 Network Era网络时代

Passage l The History of the Intemet因特网的历史

Passage 2 Google Develops Software to Save Energy


Passage 3 Online Sharing,How Much is Too Much在线共享,多少是太多

Passage 4 Have You Ever“Googled”Youself?你有没有“谷歌”自己?

Unit 4 Space Travel太空旅行

Passage 1 Black Holes Are Actually“Green”黑洞实际上是“环保”的

Passage 2 Is There Water Oil Mars?火星上有水吗?

Passage 3 Message to Unknown Planet发给未知星球的信息

Passage 4 A Beautiful,Ghostly Angel Ring美丽而诡异的天使羽翼

Unit 5 New technology新科技——

Passage 1 Electronic Paper Turns a Page自动翻页的电子纸

Passage 2 Underwater Flying Machine水下飞行器

Passage 3 Solar-powered Fridge太阳能冰箱

Passage 4 Non-stick Chewing Gum不粘1=I香糖

Unit 6 Popular Science Reading科普阅读

Passage 1 Human-caused Climate Change Widely Impacts the Earth


Passage 2 How Plants Defend Themselves植物如何自卫

Passage 3 Taking Human Power to a New Level人类能源的新纪元

Passage 4 Human Skin Is a Zoo of Bacteria人体皮肤——细菌的动物园

Unit 7 Science and Technology Vision科技视界

Passage 1,11he New Stem Cell Technology新的干细胞技术

Passage 2 Why Plants Grow towards the Light?为什么植物生长向太阳?

Passage 3 Self-monitoring Device for HIV艾滋病毒自我监控装置

Passage 4 Smokers'Weak Point Identified吸烟者的薄弱点被确定

Unit 8 Experienced and Knowledgeable见多识广

Passage 1 Disney'S Destruction of Diversity破坏文化多样性的迪士尼

Passage 2 How AM and PM Came into Being?AM和PM是如何产生的?

Passage 3 DNA脱氧核糖核酸

Passage 4 Memory记忆力

Unit 9 News Reports新闻报道

Passage 1 The Paradise Island or the Rubbish Dump?天堂岛还是垃圾堆?

Passage 2 Martha Payne Turns Down Hollywood


Passage 3 Cellphone Feels like a Part of Your Body?


Passage 4 The Mars Rover Curiosity:Successful Landing on Mars


Unit 10 The Healthy Life健康的生活

Passage 1 How to Get a Healthy Life style?怎样拥有健康的生活方式?

Passage 2 Special Report on Tobacco关于烟草的特别报告

Passage 3 Anger May Increase the Risk of Injury


Passage 4 Low-fat Diets Alone don't Reduce Health Risks


Unit 11 Knowledge Gallery知识长廊

Passage 1 Who Invented Television?谁发明了电视?

Passage 2 Wildlife Reacting to Climate Changes


Passage 3 Smoking Ages Skin吸烟令皮肤衰老

Passage 4 Bacteria细菌

Unit 12 The Intelligent Robots智能机器人

Passage 1 Robot Bear to Help Nurse Patients帮助护理病人的机器人

Passage 2 Robot Asimo机器人“阿西莫”

Passage 3 Nanny Robots机器人保姆

Passage 4 The Robot Is Able to Think会思考的机器人

Unit 13 New Type Cars新型汽车

Passage 1 The Driverless CyCab无人驾驶车CyCab

Passage 2 Flying Cars飞行汽车

Passage 3 Robot-driven Cars机器人汽车

Passage 4 The Ch0¨colate巾0wered Racing Car Made of Vegetables


Unit 14 Animal World动物III=界

Passage 1 Zebras斑马

Passage 2 Obedience Training for Your Dog有关狗的服从训练

Passage 3 Fish Have a Good Memory鱼有一个好记性

Passage 4 Polar Bears Are in Danger濒危的北极熊

Unit 15 The Plant Kingdom植物乇国

Passage 1 Mushrooms蘑菇.

Passage 2 Ginkgo-the Oldest Tree最古老的树——银杏

Passage 3 Plants in the Deserts沙漠中的植物

Passage 4 Mimicry in Plants植物拟态

Unit 16 The Famous Buildings著名建筑

Passage 1 Shakespeare'S Globe Theatre莎士比亚环球剧院

Passage 2 Rome-a Great City伟大的城市——罗马

Passage 3 Harry Potter Park哈利·波特主题公园

Passage 4 Elysee Palace爱丽舍宫

Unit 17 Challenge Yourself挑战自我

Passage 1 Solar-Powered Car Finishes Trip around World


Passage 2 The Oldest Skydiver年龄最大的跳伞者

Passage 3 An Austrian Jumped from Space从太空跳伞的奥地利男子

Passage 4 The Youngest to Sail World Solo孤身环球航海最年轻的人

Unit 18 The Road to Health健康之路

Passage 1 A Laugh a Day Keeps the Doctor Away一日一笑医生远离我

Passage 2 Dancing Can Improve Health舞蹈可以改善健康

Passage 3 Take Exercise for Two and a Half Hours per Week


Passage 4 Music is Helpful to Heart音乐有助于心脏健康

Unit 19 Foreign City外国名城

Passage 1 Vienna:Music City维也纳——音乐之都

Passage 2 Watery City水上之都

Passage 3 The Muscat马斯喀特

Passage 4 Cities of Australia澳大利亚的城市

Unit 20 Animal Stories动物趣闻

Passage l In the Jaws of a Crocodile鳄口脱险

Passage 2 Dance with a Whale与鲸鱼共舞

Passage 3 Happy-faced Spider笑脸蜘蛛

Passage 4 Dogs Can be Jealous狗狗也有嫉妒心


《新英语系列丛书:发给未知星球的信息(新英语极地阅读 高中版)》是以高中生为读者对象的主题式英语课外读物。涉及著名建筑、外国名城等十几个主题数百个话题。主要内容以文章导读、主体文章、字斟句酌、金句必背、读有所获、愿你多知等6大板块呈现。主题时代气息浓厚,体裁多样,题材广泛,材料鲜活,语言地道。


丛书名新英语(New English)系列丛书
尺寸24 × 17装帧平装
页数 204 印数 2000


极地阅读是兰州大学出版社于2013.7出版的中图分类号为 G634.413 的主题关于 英语-阅读教学-高中-课外读物 的书籍。