Step by Step听懂CNN先锋科技
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Step by Step听懂CNN先锋科技

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1 游戏机科技争霸战,Sony又出新招 Sony?s Next Move PlayStation 3 Takes a Stab at Motion Sensor Gaming

2 定做一个机器人替身 Body Double Android Twin Reveals the Inner Workings of Robot and Human

3 微软 Xbox 科技大跃进,用身体玩游戏 Total Control Xbox Jumps on the Motion Gaming Bandwagon with Kinect

4 体验如梦似幻的高科技未来旅馆 Hotel of Tomorrow Tech-Driven Creature Comforts Future Travelers Can Look Forward To

5 用意念控制行动——神奇的脑电波遥控科技 Mind Games Gadgets Put You in Control with Brain Power


6 月球上有水,人类移居不是梦? Our Not-So-Dry Neighbor The Discovery of Lunar Water May Hold Key to Human Colonies on the Moon

7 火星生命之谜即将揭晓 Our Martian Neighbors Scientists Search for Signs of Life on the Red Planet

8 开启太空时代的人造卫星迎来50岁生日 Celebrating Sputnik The Tiny Satellite that Sparked the Space Race Turns 50

9 CNN记者的太空体验 Blast from the Past Vintage Technology Launches Russia?s Star City to the Forefront of the Space Race

10 下一个大地震将发生在…… Living on Shaky Ground Is Your City at Risk for the Next Big Quake?

11 美国太空计划未来出路 NASA?s Next Step The Space Administration Ponders a Future Beyond the Shuttle

12 以生物飞行本能为师的未来航空科技 The Nature of Flight Science Draws Inspiration from the Animal Kingdom?s Aerial Masters

13 英国UFO档案大揭秘 Britain?s X-Files Defense Ministry Releases Secret Reports on UFO Sighting


14 演化史大发现——最早古人类化石出土 Missing Link? Scientists Unveil the Earliest Fossil of Primate Ancestor

15 定做 DNA,人造生命科技大跃进 Making Life in a Lab Geneticist Creates First Synthetic Organism

16 天文物理大师史蒂芬·霍金谈宇宙与人类的未来 The Final Frontier Physicist Stephen Hawking Journeys into the Future of Space Exploration

17 濒危物种新希望——DNA冷冻方舟 The Bar Code1 of Life Creating a Genetic Ark to Preserve the Earth?s Endangered Species

18 日本真的是为了研究捕鲸?生物学家告诉你真相 A Whale of a Discovery Researchers Offer a Humane Alternative to Japan?s Lethal Science


19 实用又环保的超薄电子报纸 Hot off the (Paperless) Presses Eco-Friendly E-Reader Delivers the News While Saving Trees

20 替代能源新里程——生物燃料客机首航 Green Flight Virgin Atlantic Launches First Biofuel-Powered Airliner

21 回顾环保科技10年轨迹 The Eco-Decade Tracking Environmental Advancements of the Past 10 Years


22 爱它就为它装上义肢——动物义肢新科技 Pet Prosthetics Technology Gives Furry Friends a Leg Up

23 从Walkman到iPod,随身听走过30年 Walking Away from Walkman Sony Pulls the Plug on the Original Personal Music Player

24 “以牙还眼” 创新手术让盲人重见光明 A Tooth for an Eye Florida Woman Gives Her Eyetooth to Regain Sight

25 新型手机揭示通信科技新风貌 Dialed in Connecting to the Future of Mobile Communication in Barcelona

26 信息时代的噩梦——无线网络 Hijacked Data Airport Wi-Fi May Expose Your Laptop to Lurking Hackers

27 顺应高龄化时代的护理机器人登场 Robo-Nurse Mechanical Helper Lends a Hand to the Elderly

28 3D 科技带你游历古罗马 Virtual Rome 3D Technology Takes Visitors on a Walk Through the Ancient City

29 瘫痪病人的新希望——鳗鱼 Eels that Heal Lampreys Offer New Hope to Spinal lnjury Patients


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尺寸24 × 17装帧平装
页数 240 印数


Step by Step听懂CNN先锋科技是科学出版社于2012.10出版的中图分类号为 H319.9 的主题关于 科学技术-英语-听说教学-自学参考资料 的书籍。