本书利用一幅幅妙趣横生的漫画,为读者讲解地道实用的美国俚语习语。在此本书中除了耳熟能详的“a piece of cake”,还有容易让读者陷入理解误区的误区像是“lose your head”。当然,还有与中文异曲同工的“Wolves in sheep’s clothing”。透过此书我们还可以学习这些好玩的俚语习语在办公场景中的应用。编者除了贴心地为每个句子都配了漫画和例句,也附加了幽默诙谐的详细解说,让读者忍俊不禁的同时又对所学的英语成语印象深刻。现在就让我们一起遨游在英语世界中“强效体验”吧!
1. rags-to-riches story
2. when pigs fly
3. bite my tongue
4. lose your head
5. slip of the tongue
6. a wolf in sheep‘s clothing
7. stuck between a rock and a hard place
8. everything but the kitchen sink
9. starting from scratch
10. inside and out
11. beat around the bush
12. put your best foot forward
13. at the drop of a hat
14. all bark and no bite
15. burning the midnight oil
16. a piece of cake
17. back to the drawing board
18. i have bitten off more than i can chew
19. cash cow
20. it costs me an arm and a leg
21. let’s not go crying over spilt milk
22. actions speak louder than words
23. there‘s no use in beating a dead horse
24. blood is thicker than water
25. practice makes perfect