

华南理工大学高分子物理教学组, 编







Molecular Weight MiscibilityLimit 3.7 Hydrodynamics Properties of Polymer Solutions  3.7.1 The Diffusion of Polymer in Solutions  3.7.2 Viscose Flow of Polymer inSolutionsChapter 4 MOLECULAR WEIGHT AND MOLECULAR WEIGHT DISTRIBUTION OFPOLYMERS 4.1 Polymer Size and Shape 4.2 Molecular Weight Averages 4.3 Determination Methods of Molecular Weight  4.3.1 End-group Analyses  4.3.2 Osmotic Pressure  4.3.3 Light scattering  4.3.4 Flight Time  4.3.5 Viscometry 4.4 Determination Methods of Molecular Weight Distribution  4.4.1 Phase Separation and Fractionation  4.4.2 Gel Permeation ChromatographyChapter 5 MOLECULAR CHAIN MOTION 5.1 Introduction to Molecular Chain Motion  5.1.1 Simple Mechanical Relationships and Their Concepts  5.1.2 Polymer Relaxation and Transition  5.1.3 Polymer Molecular Chain Relaxation and Transition 5.2 The Glass Transition  5.2.1 Introduction  5.2.2 Methods of Measuring Transitions in Polymers  5.2.3 Theories of the Glass Transition  5.2.4 Factors of Influenee Oil Glass Transition Temperature 5.3 Viscosity Flow of Polymer  5.3.1 Characteristics of Viscosity Flow  5.3.2 Measure of Shear Viscosity  5.3.3 Factors of Influence on Viscosity Flow TemperatureChapter 6 MECHANICAL BEHAVLOUR OF POLYMERS 6.1 Mechanieal Behaviour of Amorphous and CrystallinePolymers  6.1.1 Basic Physical Quantities Describing MechanicalBehaviour  6.1.2 Several Common Terms of Mechanical Properties  6.1.3 Tensile Properties of Various Polymers  6.1.4 Yield of Polymms  6.1.5 Fracture and Theoretical Strength of Polymers  6.1.6 Factors Affecting the Actual Strength of Polymers 6.2 Mechanical Behaviour of Elastic Polymers  6.2.1 Application Temperature Range of Rubbers  6.2.2 Characteristics of Elasticity  6.2.3 Phenomenological Descriptions of Rubber Elasticity  6.2.4 Thermodynamic Analysis of Rubber Elasticitv  6.2.5 Statistieal Thermodynamics of Rubber Elasticity  6.2.6 Effects of the Structure of Cross—links and Networks on theRubber E1asticitv  6.2.7 Internal Energy Effects on the Rubber Elasticity  6.2.8 Ultimate Properties of Rubber 6.3 Mechanical Relaxation of Polymers Viscoelasticity  6.3.1 Mechanical Relaxation Phenomenon of Polymers  6.3.2 Mechanieal Models for Viscoelasticity  6.3.3 The Relationship between Viscoelasticity and Time andTemperature Time—temperature Equivalence Principle  6.3.4 The Bohzmann Superposition Principle(BSP)Chapter 7 ELECTRICAL AND OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF POLYMERS 7.1 Electrical Polarization and Die]ectric Constant ofPolymers  7.1.1 Polarization of Dielectric Media in Electric Field  7.1.2 Interpreting Polarization Effect of Polymer from MolecularLevel  7.1.3 Relation between Dielectric Constant and MolecularPolarizabilitv  7.1.4 The Dielectrie Constants of Polymers 7.2 Dieleetrie Loss of Polymers  7.2.1 Dielectric Relaxation and Dielectric Loss  7.2.2 Characterization of Dielectric Loss  7.2.3 Some Factors Effcting on Dielectric Relaxation andDielectric Loss  7.2.4 Spectra of Dielectric Relaxation in Solid Polymers 7.3 Conduction in Polymers  7.3.1 Characterizatioll of Elec,tric Conduction  7.3.2 Conductive Characteristics of Polymers  7.3.3 Volunle Resistivity and Surface Resistivity  7.3.4 Dependence Relation between Conduction and Structure inSolid Polymer  7.3.5 Influence of Other Factors 7.4 Dielectric Breakdown of Polymers  7.4.1 Dielectric Breakdown and Dielectric Strength  7.4.2 Dielectric Breakdown Mechanisms of Polymer 7.5 Electrostatic Charge Phenomena on Polymer 7.6 Optical Properties of Polymers  7.6.1 Transpalency and Colourlessness  7.6.2 The RefractiveIndex




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高分子物理导论是华南理工大学出版社于2011.2出版的中图分类号为 O631 的主题关于 高聚物物理学-高等学校-教材-英文 的书籍。