

(美) 桑德拉, 编







DedicationAcknowledgmentsWelcome to Grammar in ContextFrequenthly Asked Questions About Teaching with Grammar in ContextLesson 1 GRAMMAR The Present Tense of the Verb Be; Prepositions of Place;This, That, These, Those CONTEXT College Life READING Community College Life in the U.S. 1.1 Forms of Be 1.2 Uses of Be 1.3 Word Order with Be 1.4 The Subject READING Letter from College 1.5 Contractions with Be 1.6 Be with Descriptions

DedicationAcknowledgmentsWelcome to Grammar in ContextFrequenthly Asked Questions About Teaching with Grammar in ContextLesson 1 GRAMMAR The Present Tense of the Verb Be; Prepositions of Place;This, That, These, Those CONTEXT College Life READING Community College Life in the U.S. 1.1 Forms of Be 1.2 Uses of Be 1.3 Word Order with Be 1.4 The Subject READING Letter from College 1.5 Contractions with Be 1.6 Be with Descriptions 1.7 Be with Definitions 1.8 Prepositions 1.9 Negative Statements with Be READING Instant Message from a Student in the U.S. 1.10 Be in Yes~No Questions and Short Answers 1.11 Wh- Questions with Be; Question Words 1.12 Comparing Statements and Questions with Be 1.13 Questions with What and How READING In the School Cafeteria 1.i4 This, That, These, Those Summary of Lesson 1 Editing Advice Lesson 1 Test/Review Expansion ActivitiesLesson 2 GRAMMAR The Simple Present Tense CONTEXT The U.S. Government READING Washington, D.C. 2.1 Simple Present Tense Forms 2.2 Simple Present Tense--Uses 2.3 Spelling of the -s Form 2.4 Pronunciation of the -s Form 2.5 Comparing Affirmative Statements--Be and Other Verbs 2.6 Negative Statements with the Simple Present Tense 2.7 Comparing Negative Statements with Be and Other Verbs READING The IRS 2.8 Yes/No Questions and Short Answers with the Present Tense 2.9 Comparing Yea/No Questions--Be and Other Verbs 2.10 Or Questions 2.11 Wh- Questions with the Simple Present Tense 2.12 Comparing Statements and Questions in the SimplePresent Tense 2.13 Questions About Meaning, Spelling, and Cost 2.14 Comparing Wh- Questions--Be and Other Verbs Smnmary of Lesson 2 Editing Advice Lesson 2 Test/Review Expansion ActivitiesLesson 3 GRAMMAR Frequency Words with the Simple Present Tense;Prepositions of Time CONTEXT American Holidays READING Three Special Days 3.1 Frequency Words with the Simple Present Tense 3.2 Position of Frequency Words and Expressions READING The Fourth of July 3.3 Prepositions of Time 3.4 Questions with Ever 3.5 Questions with How Often and Answerswith Frequency Expressions Summary of Lesson 3 Editing Advice Lesson 3 Test/Review Expansion Activities ……Lesson4Lesson5Lesson6Lesson7Lesson8Lesson9Lesson10Lesson11Lesson12Lesson13Lesson14AppendicesIndex


这是一本通过语境学习英语的好教材。使用这本教材,学习者不仅可以熟练掌握英语语法,运用英语语言;而且还可以学习美国文化背景知识,在语境中学习英语,在语境中使用英语……本书内容包括:·学生用书的全部内容——以清晰易读格式显示,方便查阅。·参考答案——在学生用书的基础上直接插入答案,便于快速查找。·逐页编写的教学建议——针对每一个语法点和课堂活动。·时间节约建议——适应高效率课堂的需要。·拓展建议——扩展语法点、主题和教学活动。·选择性项目——提供可选择的语法项目、阅读和课堂活动。·附加课堂教学建议——以阅读术语表和文化注释为平台,延伸教学内容。 本书是《英语语境语法》系列之一,该套书通过语境学习英语的好教材。使用这套教材,学习者不仅可以熟练掌握英语语法,运用英语语言;而且还可以学习美国文化背景知识,在语境中学习英语,在语境中使用英语。帮助学习者学得更多,记住更多,更加有效地运用语言。


页数印数 2000


英语语境语法1教师用书是北京大学出版社于2006.08出版的中图分类号为 H314 的主题关于 英语-语法-高等学校-教学参考资料 的书籍。