

杨红, 主编







杨红,语言学与经济学双专业硕士,就职于海南大学旅游学院。主要研究方向为应用语言学、旅游经济学、旅游人类学。 现为国际人类学与民族学联合会会员、加拿大研究会会员。2007年获得加拿大专项研究特别奖,2008年受到加拿大驻华大使馆的表彰,并得到海南省教育厅、海南省外事侨务办表扬及海南大学多次报道。任职期间,多次荣获海南大学旅游学院的教学先进表彰。 主要学术成就包括:出版著作及发表论文共计35本(篇),完成6个基金课题。其中,发表CSSCI核心期刊论文6篇。


Chapter One Preparation for Traveling

第一章 旅游手续

UNIT 1 Passport Applications办理护照

PART I Warm up

PART II Vocabularies

PART Ⅲ Conversation

PART Ⅳ Passage

PART V Integrated Exercises of Skills Development

PART VI Self Study

UNIT 2 Visa Affairs办理签证

PART I Warm up

PART Ⅱ Vocabularies

PART Ⅲ Conversation

PART Ⅳ Passage

PART V Integrated Exercises of Skills Development

PART Ⅵ Self Study

Chapter Two Categories of Tourism

第二章 旅游种类

UNIT 3 Historical&Cultural Relics Tour历史人文游

PART I Warm up

PART Ⅱ Vocabularies

PART Ⅲ Conversation

PART IV Passage

PART V Integrated Exercises of Skills Development

PART VI Self Study

UNIT 4 Natural Wonders Tour自然奇观游

PART I Warm up

PART Ⅱ Vocabularies

PART Ⅲ Conversation

PART IV Passage

PART V Integrated Exercises of Skills Development

PART VI Self Study

UNIT 5 Red Resorts Tour红色旅游

PART I Warm up

PART Ⅱ Vocabularies

PART Ⅲ Conversation

PART IV Passage

PART V Integrated Exercises of Skills Development

PART VI Self Study

Chapter Three Tourist Attractions

第三章 旅游胜地

UNIT 6 Northeast China东北地区

PART I Warm up

PART Ⅱ Vocabularies

PART Ⅱ Conversation

PART IV Passage

PART V Integrated Exercises of Skills Development

PART VI Self Study

UNIT 7 North China华北地区

PART I Warm up

PART II Vocabularies

PART Ⅲ Conversation

PART Ⅳ Passage

PART V Integrated Exercises of Skills Development

PART VI Self Study

UNIT 8 East China华东地区

PART I Warm up

PART Ⅱ Vocabularies

PART Ⅲ Conversation

PART IV Passage

PART V Integrated Exercises of Skills Development

PART VI Self Study

UNIT 9 Central China华中地区

PART I Warm uD

PART Ⅱ Vocabularies

PART Ⅲ Conversation

PART IV Passage

PART V Integrated Exercises of Skills Development

PART Ⅵ Self Study

UNIT 10 Northwest China西北地区

PART I Warm up

PART Ⅱ Vocabularies

PART HI Conversation

PART Ⅳ Passage

PART V Integrated Exercises of Skills Development

PART VI Self Study

UNIT 11 Southwest China西南地区

PART I Warln up

PART II Vocabularies

PART Ⅲ Conversation

PART Ⅳ Passage

PART V Integrated Exercises of Skills Development

PART Ⅵ Self Study

UNIT 12 South China&Hong Kong。Macao and Taiwan华南地区及港澳台

PART I Warm up

PART 1I Vocabularies

PART Ⅲ Conversation

PART Ⅳ Passage

PART V Integrated Exercises of Skills Development

PART Ⅵ Self Study

Chapter Fore Elements of Tourism

第四章 旅游要素

UNIT 13 Food吃——餐饮服务

PART I Warm up

PART 11 Vocabularies

PART Ⅲ Conversation

PART Ⅳ Passage

PART V Integrated Exercises of Skills Development

PART VI Self Study

UNIT 14 Accommodation住——宾馆服务

PART I Warm up

PART Ⅱ Vocabularies

PART Ⅲ Conversation

PART Ⅳ Passage

PART V Integrated Exercises of Skills Development

PART VI Self Study

UNIT 15 Transportation行——交通服务

PART I Warm up

PART ⅡVocabularies

PART Ⅲ Conversation

PART IV Passage

PART V Integrated Exercises of Skills Development

PART Ⅵ Self Study

UNIT 16 Traveling游——旅游服务

PART I Warm up

PART Ⅱ Vocabularies

PART Ⅲ Conversation

PART IV Passage

PART V Integrated Exercises of Skills Development

PART VI Self Study

UNIT 17 Entertainment娱——娱乐服务

PART I Warm up

PART Ⅱ Vocabularies

PART III Conversation

PART IV Passage

PART V Integrated Exercises of Skills Development

PART VI Self Study

UNIT 18 Shopping购——购物服务

PART I Warm up

PART Ⅱ Vocabularies

PART Ⅲ Conversation

PART IV Passage

PART V Integrated Exercises of Skills Development

PART Ⅵ Self Study

Chapter Five Legal Systems for Tourism

第五章 旅游法制

UNIT 19 Legal Systems for Tourism in China and Abroad中外旅游法制

PART I Warm up

PART Ⅱ Vocabularies

PART Ⅲ Conversation

PART Ⅳ Passage

PART V Integrated Exercises of Skills Development

PART Ⅵ Self Study

Appendix I:Translation for Passages

附录1 段落译文

AppendixⅡ:Key to Integrated Exercises of Skills Development

附录2 技能扩展习题答案


附录3 参考文献


  每个单元分为六个部分,即Warm up、Vocabularies、Conversation、Passage、Integrated Exercises of SkillsDevelopment、SelfStudy。为便于高等院校教师的授课和学生的学习以及酒店、机场、景区景点、旅行社、外事机构、公司、教育和旅游局等部门相关人员使用《实用旅游英语》,在Passage模块上加注译文,并在IntegratedExercises ofSkillsDevelopment模块上加注了习题答案。




尺寸23 × 17装帧平装
页数 284 印数 1000


实用旅游英语是知识产权出版社于2010.5出版的中图分类号为 H31 的主题关于 旅游-英语-高等学校-教材 的书籍。