I. Literature Reviews on Journalistic Hews Text Analvsls
1. An Overview of International Political News DiscourseSfudies
1.1 The Significance of International Political News Discourse
1.2 The Studies on News Discourses Abroad
1.3 The Studies on News Discourses at Home
1.4 The Studies on International Political News Discourses
1.5 Enlightenment
2. A Review of Intercultural Contrastive Discourse Analysis
2.1 A Retrospection
2.2 Definitions Of Intercultural ContrastiVe Discourse Analysis
2.3 Intercultural Contrastive Discourse Analysis in China
2.4 Problems
2.5 Future Development
3. A Survey of Contrastive Linguistics andDisc0urse Analysis
3.1 A Retrospection of Contrastive Linguistics
3.2 A Retrospection of Discourse Analysis
3.3 A Retrospection of Contrastive Discourse Analysis
4. A Review of Functional, Pragmatic Contrastive Discourse
Analysis and Contrastive Text Linguistics
4.1 Functional Contrastive Discourse Analysis
4.2 Pragmatic Contrastive Discourse Analysis
4.3 Contrastive Text Linguistics
5. A Review of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA)
5.1 The Research of CDA Abroad
5.2 The Research of CDA at Home
6. A Review of Discourse Analysis from the Rhetoric Perspective
6.1 RST Theory (Rhetorical Structure Theory)
6.2 RRT Theory (Rhetorical Relation Theory)
6.3 Burkean New Rhetoric
6.4 Contrastive Rhetoric
6.5 Vague Rhetoric
6.6 Action Rhetoric
II. Textual AnalySiS
1. A Contrastive Discourse Analysis of Chinese-English Editorial
Commentaries on Natural Disasters
1.1 Theoretical Framework
1.2 Methodology
1.3 Analysis
1.4 Conclusion
2. A Contrastive Analysis Between the American and the Chinese
State Leaders' Discourses
2.1 Text Typology and Politeness
2.2 Patterns of Thought and Discourses
2.3 Methodology -- Statistics of Lexical Concordance and
2.4 The Validity and Classification of the Samples
2.5 Revelations of Lexical Frequency and Concordance and
Syntactic Arrangement
2.6 Formality, Impersonality and Technicality
2.7 Deductive Rhetorical Pattern vs. Inductive Rhetoric Pattern
2.8 Face-Threatening Acts
2.9 Emotiveness Through an Eclectic Model of Evaluativeness
2.10 Clues for the Bilingual Translation of State Leaders'
3. A Contrastive Analysis of the International Political News
3.1 Theoretical Framework
3.2 Methodologies and Sample Collection
3.3 The Analysis of the Seven Aspects and Their Linguistic
3.4 The Implications for the Translation of the International
Political News Report Discourses
3.5 The Implications for the Comprehension and Teaching of the
International Political News
4. A Critical Analysis of International Pofitical News Discourses
4.1 Ideology in Journalistic Texts and Its Linguistic Modes of
4.2 Analytical Framework
4.3 Samples and Their Background
4.4 News as Social Practice
5. A Contrastive Analysis of Chinese and British Football
5.1 Definitions of Football Comment Discourse
5.2 Classifications of Football Comment Discourses
5.3 The Analysis at the Lexical Level
5.4 Contrastive Analysis at the Sentential Level
5.5 Tenor and Texture
5.6 Pragmatic Contrastive Analysis
5.7 Rhetorical Patterns
5.8 A Cultural Perspective
6. A Syntactic Analysis of English Journalistic News Texts
6.1 Theoretical Framework
6.2 Sample Selection and Analytic Criteria
6.3 The Analysis of Syntactic Features of English Journalistic
News Texts
6.4 Discussion and Conclusion
7. A Comparative Study on Temporality in English-Chinese Journalist
7.1 Literature Review
7.2 Data
7.3 Analysis
7.4 Conclusion