

常俊跃, 李莉莉, 赵永青, 主编







Unit 1 Panoramic View of the USA Text A General Characteristics of the USA Text B Major Regions of the USA Text C The Face of the Land Text D The RiversUnit 2 View of the Northeast Text A The "Melting Pot" Text B New England Text C Mid-AtlanticUnit 3 Landform of the Northeast Text A Lakes, Rivers, Falls and Mountains Text B The Coastal Plains Test C Cape Cod Text D More about Cape CodUnit 4 Coastal Cities in the Northeast

Unit 1 Panoramic View of the USA Text A General Characteristics of the USA Text B Major Regions of the USA Text C The Face of the Land Text D The RiversUnit 2 View of the Northeast Text A The "Melting Pot" Text B New England Text C Mid-AtlanticUnit 3 Landform of the Northeast Text A Lakes, Rivers, Falls and Mountains Text B The Coastal Plains Test C Cape Cod Text D More about Cape CodUnit 4 Coastal Cities in the Northeast Text A Development of the Coastal Citrus Text B Boston Text C PhiladelphiaUnit 5 Imporlanl Centers of the USA in the Northeast Text A The Capital City Text B The Nation's Most Cosmopolitan City Text C Economy of Washington, D.C.  Text D BroadwayUnit 6 Land of Changes in the Southeast Text A The Southeast and Its Problems Text B Economy of the Southeast Text C Population of the Southeast Text D The Top in the SoutheastUnit 7 Touring the Sontheast Text A The Mighty Mississippi River and the Ozarks Text B Rolling Hills, Flat Plains and Islands Text C The Rivers of Grass Text D MemphisUnit 8 View of the Midwest Text A Physical Features of the Midwest Text B Lakes, Plains, Big Rivers, Badlands and Caves Text C Mount Rushmore National MemorialUnit 9 More about the Midwest Text A Settlement on the Plains Text B The Past and Present of the Midwest Text C Belts in the MidwestUnit 10 The Southwestern States Text A The Four Southwestern States Text B Santa Fe, the City Different Text C Culture of the American SouthwestUnit 11 Landform of the Southwest Text A Desert, Canyon, Plateau, Rivers, and Plains Text B Drought in the Southwest Text C Changes on the RanchUnit 12 View of the West Text A The Rocky Mountains, Clear Rivers and Salty Lakes Text B Hottest, Driest, and Highest Text C Bear River Course Text D What Is the Great Basin?Unit 13 Temples of Nature and Cities of the Pacific Text A The Temples of Nature Text B Cities of the Pacific Text C Yellowstone National Park Text D City by the Bay and the Emerald CityUnit 14 Newest StatesUnit 15 Review:Regions of the USAAppendixes


《美国自然人文地理》是在内容依托教学理念指导下,基于国家哲学社会科学项目“英语专业基础阶段内容依托式教学改革研究”推出的系列英语教材之一。 《美国自然人文地理》适用于英语专业一、二年级学生,也适用于具有中学英语基础的非英语专业学生和英语爱好者学习。本教材具备以下主要特色: 遵循了全新的教学理念 美国地理文化知识与自然人文知识并重,既训练语言技能,也丰富相关知识。 涉及了系统的历史内容 帮助读者了解美国诸州及重要城市,系统介绍美国自然地理和人文知识。 引进了真实的教学材料 真实、地道的语言材料,穿插图表、照片等真实的视觉材料,表现手段活泼,效果生动直观。 设计了新颖的教材板块 每一单元均包括课前热身、课文正文、课后练习、辅助阅读、专有名词列表、娱乐园地等。结构安排系统合理,突出学生的主体地位。 提供了多样的训练活动 培养学生综合运用语言和知识进行沟通的能力、逻辑思维能力和探索求知的能力。 推荐了经典的学习材料 在每个章节的最后部分向学生推荐经典的书目、影视作品、名诗欣赏以及英文歌曲等学习资料,延伸课堂教学,激发学生的学习热情。




美国自然人文地理是北京大学出版社于2009.06出版的中图分类号为 H319.4:K 的主题关于 英语-阅读教学-高等学校-教材 ,自然地理学-美国 ,人文地理学-美国 的书籍。