湿地修复工程 : 上海大莲湖模式
湿地修复工程 : 上海大莲湖模式封面图

湿地修复工程 : 上海大莲湖模式

安树青, 王利民, 著










Part One Project Implementation Background

Chapter 1 Locational Features ofDalian Lake

1.1 Geographical Location

1.2 Natural Conditions

1.3 Social Economic Conditions


Chapter 2 Regional Evolution ofDalian Lake

2.1 Regional Wetland Type

2.2 Regional Wetland Biology

2.2.1 Plankton

2.2.2 Aquatic vascular bundle plants

2.2.3 Zoobenthos

2.2.4 Fishes

2.2.5 BirdS

2.2.6 Animals

2.2.7 Endangered rare species

2.2.8 Invasive species

2.3 Regional Wetland Evolution

2.3.1 Kinds ofphytoplankton and evolution ofdominant species

2.3.2 Kinds and quantity evolution ofzooplankton

2.3.3 7ype.quantity and distribution evolution of aquatic vascular bundle plants

2.3.4 Type.quantity distribution and evolution ofbentonic organism

2.3.5 Composition,distribution characteristics and aquatic product types offishes in Dianshan Lake


Chapter 3 Characteristics ofHydrologic Environment

3.1 Hydrologic Characteristics.

3.2 Physical and Chemical Characteristics ofWater Environment

3.3 Biological Characteristics ofWater Environment

3.3.1 Density ofphytoplankton

3.3.2 Chlorophyll a Content ofPhytoplankton in Dalian Lake

3.3.3 Density ofzooplankton

3.3.4 Density ofzoobenthos and biomass in Dalian Lake

Chapter 4 Analysis on Pollution Source

4.1 Internal Source Pollution

4.2 Non—point Source Pollution

4.2.1 Farm chemical fertilizerpollution

4.2.2 Animat husbandry pollution

4.2.3 Fishery breeding pollution

4.3 Point Source Pollution

4.3.1 Pollution by iura〕lifc

4.3.2 Pollution by industries


Part Two Project Planning,Design and Construction

Chapter 5 Wetland Restoration Strategy

5.1 Evaluation on Status ofDalian Lake Wetland

5.1.1 Analysis on ecological functions ofDalian Lake wetland

5.1.2 Integrated evaluation on status quo ofDalian Lake wetland

5.2 Wetland Restoration Thinking

5.2.1 EffCct after Dalian Lake wetland is rehabilitated

5.2.2 Restoration strategy ofDalian Lake wetland

5.2.3 Management measures ofwetland

5.3 Philosophy and Principle for Planning and Designing on Wetland Restoration Proje

5.3.1 Design philosophy ofwetland restoration

5.3.2 Design principle ofwetland restoration

5.4 Overall Planning for Wetland Restoration Project

5.4.〕 Project and its significance

5.4.2 Project planning objective and overall thinking

5.4.3 Planning content and scale ofproject

5.4.4 Anticipated effect ofproject Reference

Chapter 6 Wetland Restoration Project Layout and Subarea Design.

6.1 General Engineering Layout.

6.2 Engineering Subarea Design.

6.2.1 Design ofwetland restoration and reconstruction area

6.2.2 Design of forest wetland cultivation area

6.2.3 Design ofshoal wetland restoration and diversity conservation area

6.3 Water Conservation and Earthwork Design ofthe Project

6.3.1 Thc work conservation design ofthe project

6.3.2 Earthwork project

Chapter 7 Other Designs for Wetland Restoration Project

7.1 Construction Organization Design

7.1.1 Engineering conditions

7.1.2 Drained waters in construction period

7.1.3 Construction methods


Chapter 8 Construction and Management of the Project

Part Three Effect Monitoring and Appraisal



湿地修复工程是通过研究湿地生态系统退化的原因,利用生态学、系统学、工程学的方法实现退化湿地生态系统的恢复与重建,使其恢复到较接近于受干扰前状态的工程。《Wetland Restoration:Shanghai DalianLake Project》根据上海大莲湖湿地修复工程的实践情况,详细阐述了湿地修复工程中的各个阶段,包括湿地的本底调查、湿地修复的总体规划、详细设计、工程施工及工程效果的跟踪、监测、评估等。通过上海大莲湖湿地工程的实例,完整阐述了一个湿地修复工程实施的全部过程,提供了湿地修复工程建设的第一手资料,为以后类似的湿地修复工程提供参考


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尺寸24 × 17装帧平装
页数 240 印数


湿地修复工程 : 上海大莲湖模式是科学出版社于2014.3出版的中图分类号为 P942.510.78 的主题关于 沼泽化地-生态恢复-生态工程-上海市-英文 的书籍。