

(英) 盖尔恩斯 (Gairns,R.) , (美) 雷德曼 (Redman,S.) , 著







Introduction 导语

Starter: vocabulary at advanced level


Abbreviations 缩写

Expanding your vocabulary 扩充词汇量

1 I can talk about meaning and style 词义与文体

2 I can use familiar words in a new way 熟词新用

3 I can use compounds 复合词

4 I can use a range of collocations 一系列词组搭配

5 I can use a dictionary productively 有效查阅词典

6 I can build word families 建立词系

Review 复习

The body 身体

7 I can describe the human body 身体

8 I can talk about body language 肢体语言

9 I can describe physical movement 身体运动

10 I can describe sounds 听觉

11 I can describe sight 视觉

12 I can describe touch, smell, and taste 触觉、嗅觉与味觉

13 I can describe illness and injuries 疾病与伤痛

Review 复习

You and other people 自身与他人

14 I can discuss aspects of character 性格特征

15 I can talk about feelings 感情

16 I can talk about relationships 人际关系

17 I can talk about people I admire and loathe 欣赏及厌恶的人

18 I can talk about behaviour 行为举止

19 I can talk about manners 礼仪

Review 复习

Leisure and lifestyle 休闲与生活方式

20 I can talk about food 食物

21 I can talk about holidays 假期

22 I can talk about plays and films 戏剧与电影

23 I can talk about competitive sport 竞技体育

24 I can talk about gardens and nature 园艺与自然

25 I can talk about shopping habits 购物习惯

26 I can talk about socializing 社交

Review 复习

A changing world 变化的世界

27 I can talk about change 变化

28 I can talk about energy conservation 能源保护

29 I can discuss wildlife under threat 濒危野生动植物

30 I can describe medical advances 医学发展

31 I can talk about communication technology 通讯技术

32 I can talk about migration 移民

Review 复习

Institutions 机构

33 I can discuss health services 健康服务

34 I can talk about local government 地方政府

35 I can talk about crime and the police 犯罪与警力

36 I can discuss prisons 监狱

37 I can talk about the armed forces 武装部队

Review 复习

News and current affairs 新闻与时事

38 I can understand news headlines 新闻标题

39 I can understand news journalism 新闻报道

40 I can read human interest stories 人类趣闻

41 I can talk about celebrity 名人

42 I can discuss political beliefs 政治信仰

43 I can talk about areas of con_ict 冲突地区

Review 复习

Work and finance 工作与财政

44 I can explain job benefits 工作福利

45 I can describe ways of working 工作方式

46 I can talk about the business world 商业世界

47 I can talk about money markets 货币市场

48 I can talk about personal finance 个人理财

49 I can discuss time management 时间分配

50 I can discuss workplace disputes 工作场所纠纷

51 I can talk about office problems 办公室难题

Review 复习

Concepts 观念

52 I can describe cause and effect 因果关系

53 I can talk about truth and lies 真理与谎言

54 I can discuss problems and solutions 问题与解决方法

55 I can describe old and new 旧与新

56 I can talk about success and failure 成功与失败

57 I can describe the past, present, and future 过去、现在与将来

Review 复习

Spoken English 英语口语

58 I can use everyday language 日常用语

59 I can use idioms and set phrases (1)


60 I can use idioms and set phrases (2)


contents 目录

61 I can use set phrases with two key words 由两个关键词组成的固定短语

62 I can use similes 比喻

63 I can use a range of phrasal verbs 一系列短语动词

64 I can use discourse markers 话语标记

65 I can use vague language 模糊语言

66 I can use sayings and proverbs 警句与谚语

Review 复习

Written English 书面英语

67 I can write a formal letter 正式信函

68 I can use formal link words 正式连接词

69 I can use academic English 学术英语

70 I can talk about literature 文学

71 I can use scienti_c English 科学英语

72 I can use technical English 技术英语

73 I can use abbreviations 缩写

Review 复习

Aspects of language 语言要略

74 I can use prefixes 前缀

75 I can use suffixes 后缀

76 I can use words with prepositions 介词结构

77 I can use prepositional phrases 介词短语

78 I can use a range of adjectives 一系列形容词

79 I can use different types of adverb 不同类型的副词

80 I can use euphemisms 委婉语

Review 复习

Vocabulary building 构词表

Answer key 答案

Review answer key 复习单元答案

Spotlight boxes 词汇要点

Word list 单词表




适读人群 :高中高年级学生及大学生、英语教师、英语爱好者



尺寸26 × 19装帧平装


牛津英语词汇是上海译文出版社于2015.6出版的中图分类号为 H313 的主题关于 英语-词汇-自学参考资料 的书籍。