Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Defining two terms
1.1.1 Translation competence(TC)
1.1.2 Market-oriented translation competence
1.2 Research significance
1.2.1 In discipline building
1.2.2 In meeting translation market needs
1.2.3 In developing translation pedagogy
1.3 Purpose and questions: a-framework
1.4 The feasibility of the research: a rationale
1.5 A brief description of methodology
1.6 The general organization of the thesis
Chapter 2 A review of previous research
2.1 Research on translation competence
2.1.1 An evolution of definition
2.1.2 Models of translation competence
2.2 Research on professional translation competence
2.3 Research on developing translation competence
2.4 Empirical researchl
2.4.1 Main concerns
2.4.2 PACTE
2.4.3 Mariana Orozco (2000)
2.5 Summary
Chapter 3 Constructivism and translation education
3.1 Constructivism and its philosophical implications
3.1.1 Origin and development
3.1.2 Basic concepts
3.1.3 Social constructivism
3.2 Objectivism versus constructivism in education
3.2.1 Objectivism and its philosophical implications
3.2.2 Constructivist learning theories
3.2.3 Objectivist versus constructivist pedagogy
3.3 Constructivist project-based approach in translation education
3.3.1 The project based approach(PBA)
3.3.2 The project-based approach and constructivism
3.3.3 Building a constructivist PBA model
Chapter 4 Evolving a pedagogy model for developing translation competence
4.1 The notion of market-oriented translation competence
4.1.1 A review of existing studies
4.1.2 Components of market-oriented translation competence
4.2 A pedagogy for improving market-oriented translation competence
4.2.1 Using real-life or real-life-like situations
4.2.2 Market-oriented and project-based
4.3 Building a workable translation pedagogy model
4.3.1 The traditional translation classroom
Chapter 5 An empirical study on developing translation competence
Chapter 6 Results and discussions
Chapter 7 Conclusion