

(美) 桑德尔 (Sander,L.M.) , 著







(美)桑德尔(L. M. Sander),美国密歇根大学教授。


Preface page xi

1 The nature of condensed matter 1

1.1 Some basic orders of magnitude 1

1.2 Quantum or classical 3

1.3 Chemical bonds 3

1.4 The exchange interaction 5

Suggested reading 6

Problems 6

2 Order and disorder 8

2.1 Ferromagnets 9

2.2 Crystals 16

2.3 Other ordered states 21

2.4 Order parameters 21

2.5 Disordered condensed matter 22

Suggested reading 23

Preface page xi

1 The nature of condensed matter 1

1.1 Some basic orders of magnitude 1

1.2 Quantum or classical 3

1.3 Chemical bonds 3

1.4 The exchange interaction 5

Suggested reading 6

Problems 6

2 Order and disorder 8

2.1 Ferromagnets 9

2.2 Crystals 16

2.3 Other ordered states 21

2.4 Order parameters 21

2.5 Disordered condensed matter 22

Suggested reading 23

Problems 23

3 Crystals, scattering, and correlations 25

3.1 Crystals 25

3.2 Fourier analysis and the reciprocal lattice 32

3.3 Scattering 37

3.4 Correlation functions 46

Suggested reading 50

Problems 51

4 Surfaces and crystal growth 53

4.1 Observing surfaces: scanning tunneling microscopy 53

4.2 Surfaces and surface tension 54

4.3 Roughening 60

4.4 Equilibrium crystal shapes 62

4.5 Crystal growth 64

Suggested reading 71

Problems 71

5 Classical and quantum waves 73

5.1 Lattice vibrations and phonons 73

5.2 Spin waves and magnons 102

5.3 Neutron scattering 107

5.4 M鰏sbauer effect 110

5.5 Two dimensions 111

Suggested reading 112

Problems 112

6 The non-interacting electron model 114

6.1 Sommerfeld model 114

6.2 Thermally excited states and heat capacity 120

6.3 Band theory 122

Suggested reading 135

Problems 135

7 Dynamics of non-interacting electrons 139

7.1 Drude model 139

7.2 Transport in Sommerfeld theory 141

7.3 Semiclassical theory of transport 143

7.4 Scattering and the Boltzmann equation 146

7.5 Donors and acceptors in semiconductors 151

7.6 Excitons 152

7.7 Semiconductor devices 153

7.8 Large magnetic fields 156

Suggested reading 168

Problems 169

8 Dielectric and optical properties 172

8.1 Dielectric functions 172

8.2 The fluctuation-dissipation theorem 174

8.3 Self-consistent response 177

8.4 The RPA dielectric function 181

8.5 Optical properties of crystals 187

Suggested reading 189

Problems 189

9 Electron interactions 193

9.1 Fermi liquid theory 193

9.2 Many-electron atoms 198

9.3 Metals in the Hartree-Fock approximation 202

9.4 Correlation energy of jellium 205

9.5 Inhomogeneous electron systems 210

9.6 Electrons and phonons 216

9.7 Strong interactions and magnetism in metals 220

Suggested reading 224

Problems 224

10 Superfluidity and superconductivity 226

10.1 Bose-Einstein condensation and superfluidity 227

10.2 Helium-3 235

10.3 Superconductivity 236

10.4 Microscopic theory 241

10.5 Ginsburg-Landau theory 253

10.6 Josephson effect 259

Suggested reading 261

Problems 261

References 263

Index 269






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页数 292 印数 3000


高等凝聚态物理是北京大学出版社于2014.8出版的中图分类号为 O469 的主题关于 凝聚态-物理学-英文 的书籍。