Lippincott’s illustrated reviews 系列之一。图文并茂,引人入胜,用大量的明晰的图片解释作用机制、体内过程、药理作用、不良反应等。条理清晰,环环相扣,思路清晰,由浅入深。简明扼要,覆盖面广,点到为止而又内容完整。结合临床,实用性强,很多类药物都会有文字或表格总结治疗的guidelines、notes,或者治疗思维流程图。绝大部分章有overview和summary。每章后有习题及解析。
UNIT I: Principles of Drug Therapy
Chapter 1: Pharmacokinetics
Chapter 2: Drug-Receptor Interactions andPharmacodynamics
UNIT II: Drugs Affecting the Autonomic Nervous System
Chapter 3: The Autonomic Nervous System
Chapter 4: Cholinergic Agonists
Chapter 5: CholinergicAntagonists
Chapter 6: AdrenergicAgonists
Chapter 7: Adrenergic Antagonists
UNIT III: Drugs Affecting the Central Nervous System
Chapter8: Neurodegenerative Diseases
Chapter 9: Anxiolytic and Hypnotic Drugs
Chapter 10: CNS Stimulants
Chapter 11: Anesthetics
Chapter 12: Antidepressants
Chapter 13: Antipsychotic Drugs
Chapter 14: Opioids
Chapter 15: Epilepsy
UNIT IV: Drugs Affecting the Cardiovascular System
Chapter 16: Heart Failure
Chapter 17: Antiarrhythmics
Chapter 18: Antianginal Drugs
Chapter 19: Antihypertensives
Chapter 20: Blood Drugs
Chapter 21: Hyperlipidemias
Chapter 22: Diuretics
UNIT V: Drugs Affecting the Endocrine System
Chapter 23: Pituitary and Thyroid
Chapter 24: Insulin and Other Glucose-Lowering Drugs
Chapter 25: Estrogens and Androgens
Chapter 26: Adrenal Hormones
UNIT VI: Drugs Affecting Other Organs
Chapter 27: Respiratory System
Chapter 28: Gastrointestinal and Antiemetic Drugs
Chapter 29: Other Therapies
(英) 巴尔 (Barr,A.J.) 等, 编著
(美) 兰格 (Rang,H.P.) , 著
(美) 伯特伦·凯特森 (Bertram G. Katzung) , 等著
封云, 刘晗青, 主编
(美) 肯内金 (Kenakin,T.) , 编
(英) 兰等, 编著
蒋志文, 主编
罗大力, 主编
(英) H.P.兰格 (H. P. Rang) , (英) J.M.里特 (J. M. Ritter) , (英) R.J.弗劳尔 (R. J. Flower) , (英) G.亨德森 (G. Henderson) , 著