创造力的本质是什么?千姿百态,形形色色的科学发现背后到底有没有可供我们反复借鉴的思维方式?我们的观察,思考,分析和决策需要面对哪些既是最常见而又最不易查觉的挑战?如何才能系统地提高我们自身的创造能力? 本书从几个不同的角度介绍了一系列具有代表性的理论,观点以及潜在的联系。将不同学科或者不同学派通过不同侧面所反映出来的共同特点和机理加以综合凝练进而形成一个新型的科学发现理论,并以新理论为基础,介绍了与分析科学前沿动态结构相关的新概念、原理、方法和案例。本书从理论和实践两个方面阐述了科学发现的可解释性和可计算性理论以及如何通过信息可视化、可视分析等方法直观地展现科学发展的宏观结构、趋势、变换及传播。本书不仅详细介绍了一系列科学发现的理论以及实例分析,尤其着重分析了新发现前后知识系统动态特性的变化,而且还包括了更为广泛的分析推理和决策中常常遇到的几类问题和相关对策。在理论和实例基础上,进一步通过一系列案例分析展现了CiteSpace分析系统的设计、使用和解读。
Chapter 1 The Gathering Storm
1.1 The Gathering Storm
1.2 Into the Eye of the Storm
1.3 The Yuasa Phenomenon
1.4 Transformative Research and the Nature of Creativity
1.5 Science and Society
1.6 Summary
Chapter 2 Creative Thinking
2.1 Beyond Serendipity
2.2 The Study of Creative Work
2.3 Divergent Thinking
2.4 Blind Variation and Selective Retention
2.5 Binding Free-Floating Elements of Knowledge
2.6 Janusian Thinking
2.7 TRIZ
2.8 Summary
Chapter 3 Cognitive Biases and Pitfalls
3.1 Finding Needles in a Haystack
3.1.1 Compounds in Chemical Space
3.1.2 Change Blindness
3.1.3 Missing the Obvious
3.2 Mental Models and Biases
3.2.1 Connecting the Right Dots
3.2.2 Rejecting Nobel Prize Worthy Works
3.3 Challenges to be Creative
3.3.1 Reasoning by Analogy
3.3.2 Competing Hypotheses
3.4 Boundary Objects
3.5 Early Warning Signs
3.6 Summary
Chapter 4 Recognizing the Potential of Research
4.1 Hindsight
4.1.1 Hibernating Bears
4.1.2 Risks and Payoffs
4.1.3 Project Hindsight
4.1.4 TRACES
4.2 Foresight
4.2.1 Looking Ahead
4.2.2 Identifying Priorities
4.2.3 The Delphi Method
4.2.4 Hindsight on Foresight
4.3 Summary
Chapter 5 Foraging
5.1 An Information-Theoretic View of Visual Analytics
5.1.1 Information Foraging and Sensemaking
5.1.2 Evidence and Beliefs
5.1.3 Salience and Novelty
5.1.4 Structural Holes and Brokerage
5.1.5 Macroscopic Views of Information Contents
5.2 Turning Points
5.2.1 The Index of the Interesting
5.2.2 Proteus Phenomenon
5.2.3 The Concept of Scientific Change
5.2.4 Specialties and Scientific Change
5.2.5 Knowledge Diffusion
5.2.6 Predictors of Future Citations
5.3 Generic Mechanisms for Scientific Discovery
5.3.1 Scientific Discovery as Problem Solving
5.3.2 Literature-Based Discovery
5.3.3 Spanning Diverse Perspectives
5.3.4 Bridging Intellectual Structural Holes
5.4 An Explanatory and Computational Theory of Discovery
5.4.1 Basic Elements of the Theory
5.4.2 Structural and Temporal Properties
5.4.3 Integration
5.4.4 Case Studies
5.5 Summary
Chapter 6 Knowledge Domain Analysis
6.1 Progressive Knowledge Domain Visualization
6.1.1 Scientific Revolutions
6.1.2 Tasks
6.1.3 CiteSpace
6.2 A Multiple-Perspective Co-Citation Analysis
6.2.1 Extending the Traditional Procedure
6.2.2 Metrics
6.2.3 Clustering
6.2.4 Automatic Cluster Labeling
6.2.5 Visual Design
6.3 A Domain Analysis of Information Science
6.3.1 A Comparative ACA (2001-2005)
6.3.2 A Progressive ACA (1996-2008)
6.3.3 A Progressive DCA (1996-2008)
6.4 Summary
Chapter 7 Messages in Text
7.1 Differentiating Conflicting Opinions
7.1.1 The Da Vinci Code
7.1.2 Terminology Variation
7.1.3 Reviews of The Da Vinci Code
7.1.4 Major Themes
7.1.5 Predictive Text Analysis
7.2 Analyzing Unstructured Text
7.2.1 Text Analysis
7.2.2 Searching for Missing Links
7.2.3 Concept Trees and Predicate Trees
7.3 Detecting Abrupt Changes
7.3.1 A Burst of Citations
7.3.2 Survival Analysis of Bursts
7.3.3 Differentiating Awarded and Declined Proposals
7.4 Summary
Chapter 8 Transformative Potential
8.1 Transformative Research
8.2 Detecting the Transformative Potential
8.2.1 Connections between References and Citations
8.2.2 Measuring Novelty by Structural Variation
8.2.3 Statistical Validation
8.2.4 Case Study: Pulsars
8.3 Portfolio Evaluation
8.3.1 Identifying the Core Information of a Proposal
8.3.2 Information Extraction
8.3.3 Detecting Hot Topics
8.3.4 Identifying Potentially Transformative Proposals
8.4 Summary
Chapter 9 The Way Ahead
9.1 The Gathering Storm
9.2 Creative Thinking
9.3 Biases and Pitfalls
9.4 Foraging
9.5 Knowledge Domain Analysis
9.6 Text Analysis
9.7 Transformative Potential
9.8 Recommendations