

胡岳华, 孙伟, 王淀佐, 著







Yuehua Hu Born in 1962, graduated from Central South University (CSU, the former Central South Institute of Mining and Metallurgy) in 1982, got the doctor degree in 1989, and elected as professor in 1991. His professional researches are related with the structure-property of flotation reagents and molecular design, the electrochemistry of flotation of sulphide minerals, the solution chemistry of flotation, the interracial interaction and fine particle flotation. Hu has acquired the better achievement in above fields and has got many too honors, including 1st or 2nd class National Science & Technology Advancement Award, China Book Award, Chinese Youth Award of Science and Technology, National Scientific Award for Outstanding Youth etc. More than 200 papers had been published in China or foreign countries.Hu was honored as Cheung Kong Scholar of the Ministry of Education, elected as vice-chairman of Mineral Processing Committee of China Nonferrous Metals Society, engaged as the adjunct professor of metallurgical department of University of Utah.


Chapter 1 General Review of Electrochemistry of Flotation of Sulphide Minerals

1.1 Three Periods of Flotation of Sulphide Minerals

1.2 Natural Floatability and Collectorless Flotation of Sulphide Minerals

1.3 Role of Oxygen and Oxidation of Sulphide Minerals in Flotation

1.4 Interactions between Collector and Sulphide Minerals and Mixed Potential Model

1.5 Effect of Semiconductor Property of Sulphide Mineral on Its Electrochemical Behavior

1.6 Electrochemical Behaviors in Grinding System

1.7 The Purpose of This Book

Chapter 2 Natural Floatability and Collectorless Flotation of Sulphide Minerals

2.1 Crystal Structure and Natural Floatability

2.2 Collectorless Flotation

2.2.1 Effect of Pulp Potential on Flotation at Certain pH

2.2.2 Pulp Potential and pH Dependence of Collectorless Floatability

2.3 Electrochemical Equilibriums of the Surface Oxidation and Flotation of Sulphide Minerals

2.3.1 The Surface Oxidation of Sulphide Minerals and Nernst Equation

2.3.2 Electrochemical Equilibriums in Collectorless Flotation

2.3.3 Eh-pH Diagrams of Potential and pH Dependence of Flotation

2.4 Electrochemical Determination of Surface Oxidation Products of Sulphide Minerals

2.5 Surface Analysis of Oxidation of Sulphide Minerals

Chapter 3 Collectorless Flotation in the Presence of Sodium Sulphide

3.1 Description of Behavior

3.2 Nature of Hydrophobic Entity

3.3 Surface Analysis and Sulphur-Extract

3.4 Comparison between Self-Induced and Sodium Sulphide-Induced Collectorless Flotation

Chapter 4 Collector Flotation of Sulphide Minerals

4.1 Pulp Potential Dependence of Collector Flotation and Hydrophobic Entity

4.1.1 Copper Sulphide Minerals

4.1.2 Lead Sulphide Minerals

4.1.3 Zinc Sulphide Minerals

4.1.4 Iron Sulphide Minerals

4.2 Eh-pH Diagrams for the Collector/Water/Mineral System

4.2.1 Butyl Xanthate/Water System

4.2.2 Chalcocite-Oxygen-Xanthate System

4.3 Surface Analysis

4.3.1 UV Analysis of Collector Adsorption on Sulphide Minerals

4.3.2 FTIR Analysis of Adsorption of Thio-Collectors on Sulphide Minerals

4.3.3 XPS Analysis of Collector Adsorption on Sulphide Minerals

Chapter 5 Roles of Depressants in Flotation of Sulphide Minerals

5.1 Electrochemical Depression by Hydroxyl Ion

5.1.1 Depression of Galena and Pyrite

5.1.2 Depression of Jamesonite and Pyrrhotite

5.1.3 Interfacial Structure of Mineral/Solution in Different pH Modifier Solution

5.2 Depression by Hydrosulphide Ion

5.3 Electrochemical Depression by Cyanide

5.4 Depression by Hydrogen Peroxide

5.5 Depression of Marmatite and Pyrrhotite by Thio-Organic Depressants

5.6 Role of Polyhydroxyl and Poly Carboxylic Xanthate in the Flotation of Zinc-Iron Sulphide

5.6.1 Flotation Behavior of Zinc-Iron Sulphide with Polyhydroxyl and Polycarboxylic Xanthate as Depressants

5.6.2 Effect of Pulp Potential on the Flotation of Zinc-Iron Sulphide in the Presence of the Depressant

5.6.3 Adsorption of Polyhydroxyl and Polycarboxylic Xanthate on Zinc-Iron Sulphide

5.6.4 Effect of Polyhydroxyl and Polycarboxylic Xanthate on the Zeta Potential of Zinc-Iron Sulphide Minerals


Chapter 6 Electrochemistry of Activation Flotation of Sulphide Minerals

Chapter 7 Corrosive Electrochemistry of Oxidation-Reduction of Sulphide Minerals

Chapter 8 Mechano-Electrochemical Behavior of Flotation of Sulphide Minerals

Chapter 9 Molecular Orbital and Energy Band Theory Approach of Electrochemical Flotation of Sulphide Minerals

Chapter 10 Electrochemical Flotation Separation of Sulphide Minerals


Index of Terms

Index of Scholars






页数 400 印数 1000


硫化矿浮选电化学是清华大学出版社于2008.12出版的中图分类号为 TD923 ,P578.2 的主题关于 硫化矿物-浮游选矿-电化学分析-英文 的书籍。