

赵炳坤, 著







Chapter 1 Data Collecting and Data Sorting

Section 1 Data Measure and Types

Section 2 Data Collecting

Section 3 Data Sorting

Chapter 2 Data Description

Section 1 Absolute Number and Relative Number

Section 2 Description of Average Level

Section 3 Description of Dispersion Degree

Chapter 3 Time Series Analysis

Section 1 Basis Analysis of Time Series

Section 2 Determination of Long-term Trend

Section 3 Determination of Seasonal Variation

Section 4 Establishment of Prediction Equation

Chapter 4 Index Analysis

Section 1 Index and Sorting

Section 2 Weighted Index

Section 3 Index System

Section 4 Several Important Indices

Chapter 5 Statistics Distribution

Section 1 Population and Sample

Section 2 Statistics Distribution

Chapter 6 Parameter Estimate

Section 1 Point Estimate

Section 2 Standard to Amount Estimate

Section 3 Interval Estimate

Chapter 7 Hypothesis Testing

Section 1 Proposal on Hypothesis Testing Problem

Section 2 Procedure of Hypothesis Testing

Section 3 Hypothesis Testing of a Normal Population

Section 4 Hypothesis Testing on Two Normal Populations

Section 5 Hypothesis Testing of the Probability

Section 6 Hypothesis Testing of Distribution Function

Section 7 Two Types of Errors in Hypothesis Testing

Chapter 8 Non-parametric Statistical Inference

Section 1 Order Statistics and Rank Statistics

Section 2 Problem Estimation

Section 3 Problem Testing

Chapter 9 Regression Analysis

Section 1 Unitary Linear Regression

Section 2 Multiple Linear Regression

Chapter 10 Correlation Analysis

Section 1 Sample Correlation Coefficient

Section 2 Sample Multiple Correlation Coefficient

Chapter 11 Variance Analysis

Section 1 Single-factor Variance Analysis

Section 2 Two-factor Variance Analysis

Chapter 12 Discrimination Analysis

Chapter 13 National Economic Accounting

Section 1 Objects of National Economic Accounting

Section 2 Classification of National Economic Accounting

Section 3 Content Framework of National Economic Accounting

Chapter 14 National Economic Gross Statistics

Section 1 Production Scope and Gross Statistics

Section 2 GDP Accounting Methods

Section 3 Total Income and Total Property

Section 4 Economic Growth Rate

Appendix Ⅰ

Table 1 Standard Normal Distribution Function Table

Table 2 X2 Distribution Upper 100

Table 3 t Distribution Upper 100α% Point Table

Table 4-1 F Distribution Upper 100α% Point Table( α =0.01 )

Table 4-2 F Distribution Upper 100α% Point Table ( α = 0.05 )

Table 4-3 F Distribution Upper 100α% Point Table ( α = 0.1 )

Appendix Ⅱ

Order Arrangement of National Economy Trade and Economic Vecyor

Appendix Ⅲ

The Composition of Economic Vectors and the Effeective Resource Allocation



It is recorded by the history of statistics that "political arithmetic" and "staatenkunde" date back to the 17th century-primary social statistics, originated in Britain and Germany. Almost at the same time, "gambling mathematics"-primary probability theory, appeared in Italy. Primary mathematical statistics did not come into being until the 19th century when law of large numbers and error theory were discovered and added to probability theory. So we can draw the conclusion that social statistics came into use two centuries earlier than mathematical statistics.


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社会统计学与数理统计学的统一是中国经济出版社于2010.3出版的中图分类号为 O212 ,C91-03 的主题关于 数理统计-研究 ,社会统计-研究 的书籍。