

吴格奇, 著







Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 The Social View Towards Research Articles

1.2 Objectives of the Study

1.3 Significance of the Study

1.4 Outline of the Book

Chapter 2 Key Concepts Defined

2.1 The RA Genre

2.1.1 The Concept of the RA

2.1.2 Characteristics of the RA

2.2 Identity

2.2.1 The Concept of Identity

2.2.2 Discoursal Construction of Identity

2.2.3 Writer Identity in Academic Writing

2.3 The RA Genre and Authorial Identity

Chapter 3 Literature Review

3.1 Interaction in Academic Writing

3.1.1 Under Different Terms

3.1.2 On Different Aspects

3.2 Interaction in RA Genre

3.3 Identity Construction in Academic Discourse

3.3.1 Theoretical Research on Identity Construction in

Academic Writing

3.3.2 Practical Research on Identity Construction in Academic


3.4 Identity Construction in RA Genre

Chapter 4 TheoreticalFramework

4.1 Hyland's Model of Academic Interaction

4.1.1 Stance and Writer-oriented Interaction

4.1.2 Engagement and Reader-oriented Interaction

4.2 Genre Analysis

4.2.1 Traditions of Genre Analysis Theories

4.2.2 Genre Analysis of RAs

4.3 The Framework Used in This Study

4.3.1 Motivations for the Present Framework

4.3.2 The Framework for Analyzing lnteractional Features in RAs...

Chapter 5 Research Design

5.1 Data Selection and Corpus Building

5.1.1 Data Selection

5.l.2 Corpus Building

5.2 Data Analysis

5.2.1 Annotation

5.2.2 Method of Analysis

Chapter 6 Frequency of Stance and Engagement Markers in English

and Chinese RAs

6.1 Frequency of Stance Markers in English and Chinese RAs

6.1.1 Hedges in English and Chinese RAs

6.1.2 Boosters in English and Chinese RAs

6.1.3 Attitude Markers in English and Chinese RAs

6.1.4 Self-mention in English and Chinese RAs

6.1.5 Summary of Stance Markers Used in RAs

6.2 Frequency of Engagement Markers in English and Chinese RAs

6.2.1 Reader pronouns in English and Chinese RAs

6.2.2 Personal Asides in English and Chinese RAs

6.2.3 Appeals to Shared Knowledge in English and Chinese RAs.

6.2.4 Directives in English and Chinese RAs

6.2.5 Questions in English and Chinese RAs

6.2.6 Summary of Engagement Markers Used in RAs

Chapter 7 Distribution of Stance and Engagement Markers Across

Generic Structure in English and Chinese RAs

7.1 Distribution of Stance Markers Across Generic Structure in English

and Chinese RAs

7.1.1 Hedges Across Generic Structure

7.1.2 Boosters Across Generic Structure

7.1.3 Attitude Markers Across Generic Structure

7.1.4 Self-mention Across Generic Structure

7.1.5 Summary of Stance Markers Across Generic Structure in

English and Chinese RAs

7.2 Distribution of Engagement Markers Across Generic Structure in

English and Chinese RAs

7.2.1 Reader Pronouns Across Generic Structure

7.2.2 Personal Asides Across Generic Structure

7.2.3 Appeals to Shared Knowledge Across Generic Structure in


7.2.4 Directives Across Generic Structure

7.2.5 Questions Across Generic Structure

7.2.6 Summary of Engagement Markers in English and

Chinese RAs

Chapter 8 Manifestations of Authorial Identity Construction

8.1 Manifestations of the RA Writer's Identity

8.2 Social and Psychological Features Influencing Authorial Identity


8.2.1 Reconciliation Between Ethical Canons and

Cognitive Constructs

8.2.2 Beliefs About Utterance Production and Interpretation

8.2.3 Perceptions of Face

8.2.4 Implementation of Academic Norms

Chapter 9 Conclusion

9.1 Summary of Major Findings

9.2 Implications of the Current Research

9.2.1 Implications for RA Writing

9.2.2 Implications for the Teaching of Academic Writing

9.3 Limitations of the Research

9.4 Recommendations for Future Research



Appendix 1 English and Chinese RAs Used as Data of This Study

Appendix 2 Excerpts of English and Chinese RAs



本研究通过自建语料库,对比分析了英汉学术论文作者构建身份的不同方式。结果表明,个人身份和话语构建者身份构成了英语论文作者身份的主要方面,而专业身份和机构身份是汉语论文作者身份的重要构成方面。身份构建方式的差异反映了英汉论文作者对社会伦理规范、话语产生和理解的原则等的不同理解,以及实施学术规范的不同方式。研究结果对学术论文写作及其教学有借鉴作用。 论文对学术论文的人际互动侧面进行分析,目前研究成果尚不算多,而对英汉两种语言在这方面的对比分析目前在学界还是开拓性的研究。在研究方法上结合了学术论文中作者立场标记语的分析框架和语类理论,使分析更趋全面。《英汉学术论文中的作者身份构建对比研究》(作者吴格奇)通过自建语料库,对比分析了英汉学术论文作者构建身份的不同方式。结果表明,个人身份和话语构建者身份构成了英语论文作者身份的主要方面,而专业身份和机构身份是汉语论文作者身份的重要构成方面。身份构建方式的差异反映了英汉论文作者对社会伦理规范、话语产生和理解的原则等的不同理解,以及实施学术规范的不同方式。研究结果对学术论文写作及其教学有借鉴作用。论文对学术论文的人际互动侧面进行分析,目前研究成果尚不算多,而对英汉两种语言在这方面的对比分析目前在学界还是开拓性的研究。在研究方法上结合了学术论文中作者立场标记语的分析框架和语类理论,使分析更趋全面。


尺寸23 × 17装帧平装


英汉学术论文中的作者身份构建对比研究是浙江大学出版社于2013.10出版的中图分类号为 H315 的主题关于 英语-论文-对比研究-汉语 的书籍。