

戴月珍, 编著







戴月珍,毕业于上海外国语学院英语系英美文学专业。现任复旦大学外文学院大学英语部副教授,主要从事医学博士生和硕士生的英语教学工作。参编卫生部英语培训系列《英语测试技巧》(1993)及《英语测试技巧详解》(1993)、《全国职称英语等级考试卫生类模拟试题集》(1998)、《医学英语教学短文阅读》(2003)、《医学英语视听说教程Ⅰ——健康通识》(2007)、《医学英语视听说教程Ⅱ——医学教育与健康服务》(2007)、《医学英语视听说教程Ⅲ——疾病预防与治疗》(2007);主编《当代护理英语教程Ⅰ——护理学概览》(2010)、《当代护理英语教程Ⅱ——常见疾病护理》(2011),独立编著《医学英语听力综合教程Ⅰ——共健康新识》(2012);发表论文“改进高校公共英语课教学法探讨”(1994),“TeachingEnglishthrough Authentic English”(1998),“The Profound Influence of King Alfred,The Great on the Development of English”(2004),“On the Light of the World by Ernest Hemingway”(2004)等。


Unit 1 Endangered Biodiversity and Health Risks

Section Ⅰ Intensive Listening

Human Health Depends on Biodiversity

Biodiversity Action Days

Section Ⅱ Extensive Listening

Tropical Biodiversity Can Thank Steady Temps

Why We Need Nature

Section Ⅲ Topics for Discussion and Report

Section Ⅳ Key to Exercises

Section Ⅴ Script for Audio and Video Clips

Unit 2 Climatic Change and Health Risks

Section Ⅰ Intensive Listening

What Does Climate Change Have to Do with Human Health

Ozone Smog Pollution Expanding

Section Ⅱ Extensive Listening

Climate Change Ups Infectious Disease Risks

Study Shows Air Pollution Poses Greater Link to Heart Attack,Stroke

Section Ⅲ Topics for Discussion and Report

Section Ⅳ Key to Exercises

Section Ⅴ Script for Audio and Video Clips

Unit 3 Urbanization and Health Risks to City dwellers

Section Ⅰ Intensive Listening

Urbanization Puts Public Health at Growing Risk

City Living Can Be Bad for Your Health

Section Ⅱ Extensive Listening

How Urban Policies Can Make City Living Healthier and Safer

Perspective on Health and Globalization

Section Ⅲ Topics for Discussion and Report

Section Ⅳ Key to Exercises

Section Ⅴ Script for Audio and Video Clips

Unit 4 Noise Pollution and Health Risks

Section Ⅰ Intensive Listening

I Hear

Scientists Point to Possible Health Effects of Cell Phones

Section Ⅱ Extensive Listening

Traffic Noise Ups Elderly's Stroke Risk

Restaurant Noise Can Alter Food Taste

Section Ⅲ Topics for Discussion and Report

Section Ⅳ Key to Exercises

Section Ⅴ Script for Audio and Video Clips

Unit 5 Water Scarcity and Sanitation Issue

Section Ⅰ Intensive Listening

How Neverending Quest for Water Has Defined Human History

Experts, Industry Leaders, Decision Makers Meet to Discuss World's Water Problems

Section Ⅱ Extensive Listening

Impact of Safe Water on Global Health

How Much Water Do You Use

Section Ⅲ Topics for Discussion and Report

Section Ⅳ Key to Exercises

Section Ⅴ Script for Audio and Video Clips

Unit 6 Combatting New Outbreaks of Infectious Diseases

Section Ⅰ Intensive Listening

Disease Outbreaks Reported Sooner

Virus Hunters Try to Unravel Flu Virus Mystery

Section Ⅱ Extensive Listening

Public Health: Try the Prevent Defense

Sneezes Provoke Fears beyond Illness

Section Ⅲ Topics for Discussion and Report

Section Ⅳ Key to Exercises

Section Ⅴ Script for Audio and Video Clips

Unit 7 The ImDortance of Reaular Hygienic Practices

Section Ⅰ Intensive Listening

Clean Hands Can Prevent the Spread of Disease

Putting Your Hands Together

Section Ⅱ Extensive Listening

Hand Hygiene Saves Lives

Health Begins at Home

Section Ⅲ Topics for Discussion and Report

Section Ⅳ Key to Exercises

Section Ⅴ Script for Audio and Video Clips

Unit 8 The New Dietary Guidelines

Section Ⅰ Intensive Listening

Diet and Human Action

U. S.Issues New Dietary Guidelines

Section Ⅱ Extensive Listening

U. S.School Tries to Build Healthier Food Culture, Part 1

U. S.School Tries to Build Healthier Food Culture, Part 2

Section Ⅲ Topics for Discussion and Report

Section Ⅳ Key to Exercises

Section Ⅴ Script for Audio and Video Clips


Unit 9 The Longevity Diet

Unit 10 Caution over Food Safety

Unit 11 Health Consequences of Lifestyle Factors

Unit 12 Health Benefits of Regular Physical Activity

Unit 13 The Science of Mental Well-being

Unit 14 Benefits of Socializing

Unit 15 LivingLonqer and Healthier




尺寸23 × 17装帧平装


医学英语听力综合教程是复旦大学出版社于2012.3出版的中图分类号为 H319.9 的主题关于 医学-英语-听说教学-医学院校-教材 的书籍。