

董洪兰, 主编







Chapter 1 商务会议英语口语

1. 会前寒暄 Small talks before a meeting

2. 安排会议 Setting up a Meeting

3. 会前准备 Preparations for a Meeting

4. 开会人数 Number of Attendees

5. 开会要求 Meeting Requirements

6. 通知开会 Notifying a Meeting

7. 宣布开会 Opening Address

8. 欢迎致辞 Opening Greetings

9. 欢迎和介绍出席人员 Greeting and Introducing

10. 主持词 Host Address

11. 宣布会议主要议题 Announcing Objectives

12. 布置任务 Task Assignment

13. 议程安排 Agendas

14. 会议纪要 Minutes

15. 转向下一个议题 Moving Forward

16. 控制会议时间 Keeping the Meeting on Time

17. 围绕主题 Keeping to the Point

18. 讨论 Discussion

19. 继续讨论 Moving On

20. 讨论职务任免 Discussing for Appointment and Removes

21. 讨论项目进展状况 Discussing project update

22. 打断 Interrupting

23. 邀请发言 Invitation to Speak

24. 陈述 Presentation

25. 陈述中的过渡Making Transitions in the body of the Presentation

26. 结束发言 Concluding the Presentation

27. 问与答 Questions & Answers

28. 整顿会场秩序 Keeping Order

29. 评论发言 Commenting on Remarks

30. 动议和附议 Motions & Seconds

31. 投票表决 Voting

32. 投票结果 Result of Voting

33. 总结性发言 Recapping the Meeting

34. 会间休息 Taking a Break

35. 结束会议 Coming to a Conclusion

36. 祝酒词 Toast

37. 电话会议与视频会议 Teleconferencing& Video conferencing

38. 致谢 Express one’s Thanks

Chapter 2 商务电话英语口语

1. 致电找人 Getting Someone over the Phone

2. 被致电人本人接听Speaking to the Person Intended to Reach

3. 是否方便接听A Good Time to Call?

4. 暂时不便接听 Not a Good Time to Call

5. 致电时间不妥时 Improper Calling Time

6. 请接线员转接 Speaking to Operator

7. 请他人转接 Transferring a Call

8. 被致电人无法接听 Unable to Reach

9. 应对被致电人无法接听Responding to Above Situation

10. 电话留言 Leaving or Taking a Message

11. 说明打电话原因 Explaining the Reason for Calling

12. 电话故障 There is a fault with the line.

13. 打错电话 Dialing the Wrong Number

14. 电话要求约见Proposing an Appointment over the Phone

15. 电话商讨约见时间Making an Appointment over the Phone

16. 电话更改约定 Rescheduling over the Phone

17. 电话取消约见Canceling an Appointment over the Phone

18. 电话报喜 Good News over the Phone

19. 电话报忧 Bad News over the Phone

20. 电话道歉 Apologizing over the Phone

21. 电话道贺 Congratulating over the Phone

22. 电话表扬 Complimenting over the Phone

23. 电话致谢 Appreciating over the Phone

24. 电话订票 Booking a Ticket over the Phone

25. 电话订餐 Reserving a Table over the Phone

26. 电话订房 Reserving a Room over the Phone

27. 电话邀请 Inviting over the Phone

28. 电话咨询 Obtaining Information over the Phone

29. 电话投诉 Complaining over the Phone

30. 请求重复和慢点说Requiring for Repeating and slowing down

31. 语音留言 Leaving a Voicemail Message

32. 回电 Calling Back

33. 电话问路 Asking for Directions over the Phone

34. 电话求租 Renting over the Phone

35. 电话购物 Making a Purchase over the Phone

36. 电话讨价还价 .Bargaining over the Phone

37. 电话请假 Requesting for absence over the Phone

38. 电话求助 Asking for help over the Phone

39. 电话推销 Promoting over the phone

40. 电话求职 Applying for a job over the Phone

41. 电话面试 Interviewing over the Phone

42. 结束电话 Finishing a Call


附录一 与商务会议有关的术语

附录二 与电话有关的术语






尺寸24 × 17装帧平装


商务会议与电话英语口语是大连理工大学出版社于2011.4出版的中图分类号为 H319.9 的主题关于 英语-口语 的书籍。