

(美) 佩措尔德 (Petzold,C.) , 著





本书是windows开发经典图书,全书由浅入深地向读者介绍Windows 8环境下程序设计的特点和技巧,通过大量的实际开发案例,以求帮助读者学习如何使用现有的技术和工具进行Windows 8应用的开发。


Charles Petzold编写《Windows程序设计》一书已有25年。他曾经获得过Windows Pioneer奖,是经典之作《Windows程序设计》、广受欢迎的《Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware》和《Software, Programming Windows Phone 7》以及其他10余本专著的作者。



Chapter 1 Markup and Code

The First Project

Graphical Greetings

Variations in Text

Media As Well

The Code Alternatives

Images in Code

Not Even a Page

Chapter 2 XAML Syntax

The Gradient Brush in Code

Property Element Syntax

Content Properties

The TextBlock Content Property

Sharing Brushes (and Other Resources)

Resources Are Shared

Exploring Vector Graphics

Stretching with Viewbox


A Taste of Data Binding

Chapter 3 Basic Event Handling

The Tapped Event

Routed Event Handling

Overriding the Handled Setting

Input, Alignment, and Backgrounds

Size and Orientation Changes

Bindings to Run?

Timers and Animation

Chapter 4 Presentation with Panels

The Border Element

Rectangle and Ellipse

The StackPanel

Horizontal Stacks

WhatSize with Bindings (and a Converter)

The ScrollViewer Solution

Layout Weirdness or Normalcy?

Making an E-Book

Fancier StackPanel Items

Deriving from UserControl

Creating Windows Runtime Libraries

The Wrap Alternative 130

The Canvas and Attached Properties

The Z-Index

Canvas Weirdness

Chapter 5 Control Interaction

The Control Difference

The Slider for Ranges

The Grid

Orientation and Aspect Ratios

Slider and the Formatted String Converter

Tooltips and Conversions

Sketching with Sliders

The Varieties of Button Experience

Defi ning Dependency Properties

RadioButton Tags

Keyboard Input and TextBox

Touch and Thumb

Chapter 6 WinRT and MVVM

MVVM (Brief and Simplifi ed)

Data Binding Notifi cations

A View Model for ColorScroll

Syntactic Shortcuts

The DataContext Property

Bindings and TextBox

Buttons and MVVM

The DelegateCommand Class

Chapter 7 Asynchronicity

Threads and the User Interface

Working with MessageDialog

Callbacks as Lambda Functions

The Amazing await Operator

Cancelling an Asynchronous Operation

Approaches to File I/O

Application Local Storage

File Pickers

Bulk Access

File Pickers and File I/O

Handling Exceptions

Consolidating Async Calls

Streamlined File I/O

Application Lifecycle Issues

Your Own Asynchronous Methods

Chapter 8 App Bars and Popups

Implementing Context Menus

The Popup Dialog

Application Bars

The Application Bar Button Style

Inside the Segoe UI Symbol Font

App Bar CheckBox and RadioButton

An App Bar for a Note Pad

Introducing XamlCruncher

Application Settings and View Models

The XamlCruncher Page

Parsing the XAML

XAML Files In and Out

The Settings Dialog

Beyond the Windows Runtime

Chapter 9 Animation

The Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Animation Namespace

Animation Basics

Animation Variation Appreciation

Other Double Animations

Animating Attached Properties

The Easing Functions

All-XAML Animations

Animating Custom Classes

Key Frame Animations

The Object Animation

Predefi ned Animations and Transitions

Chapter 10 Transforms

A Brief Overview

Rotation (Manual and Animated)

Visual Feedback


Transform Groups

The Scale Transform

Building an Analog Clock


Making an Entrance

Transform Mathematics

The CompositeTransform

Geometry Transforms

Brush Transforms

Dude, Where’s My Element?

Projection Transforms

Deriving a Matrix3D

Chapter 11 The Three Templates

Data in a Button

Making Decisions

Collection Controls and the Real Use of DataTemplate

Collections and Interfaces

Tapping and Selecting

Panels and Virtualizing Panels

Custom Panels

The Item Template Bar Chart

The FlipView Control

The Basic Control Template

The Visual State Manager

Using generic.xaml

Template Parts

Custom Controls

Templates and Item Containers

Chapter 12 Pages and Navigation

Screen Resolution Issues

Scaling Issues

Snap Views

Orientation Changes

Simple Page Navigation

The Back Stack

Navigation Events and Page Restoration

Saving and Restoring Application State

Navigational Accelerators and Mouse Buttons

Passing and Returning Data

Visual Studio’s Standard Templates

View Models and Collections

Grouping the Items


Chapter 13 Touch, Etc.

A Pointer Roadmap

A First Dab at Finger Painting

Capturing the Pointer

Editing with a Popup Menu

Pressure Sensitivity

Smoothing the Tapers

How Do I Save My Drawings?

Real and Surreal Finger Painting

A Touch Piano

Manipulation, Fingers, and Elements

Working with Inertia

An XYSlider Control

Centered Scaling and Rotation

Single-Finger Rotation

Chapter 14 Bitmaps

Pixel Bits

Transparency and Premultiplied Alphas

A Radial Gradient Brush

Loading and Saving Image Files

Posterize and Monochromize

Saving Finger Paint Artwork

HSL Color Selection

Reverse Painting

Accessing the Pictures Library

Capturing Camera Photos

Chapter 15 Going Native

An Introduction to P/Invoke

Some Help

Time Zone Information

A Windows Runtime Component Wrapper for DirectX

DirectWrite and Fonts

Confi gurations and Platforms

Interpreting Font Metrics

Drawing on a SurfaceImageSource

Chapter 16 Rich Text

Private Fonts

A Taste of Glyphs

Font Files in Local Storage

Typographical Enhancements

RichTextBlock and Paragraphs

RichTextBlock Selection

RichTextBlock and Overfl ow

The Perils of Pagination

Rich Editing with RichEditBox

Your Own Text Input

Chapter 17 Share and Print

Settings and Popups

Sharing Through the Clipboard

The Share Charm

Basic Printing

Printable and Unprintable Margins

The Pagination Process

Custom Printing Properties

Printing a Monthly Planner

Printing a Range of Pages

Where To Do the Big Jobs?

Printing FingerPaint Art

Chapter 18 Sensors and GPS

Orientation and Orientation

Acceleration, Force, Gravity, and Vectors

Follow the Rolling Ball

The Two Norths

Inclinometer = Accelerometer + Compass

OrientationSensor = Accelerometer + Compass

Azimuth and Altitude

Bing Maps and Bing Map Tiles

Chapter 19 Pen (Also Known as Stylus)

The InkManager Collections

The Ink Drawing Attributes

Erasing and Other Enhancements

Selecting Strokes

The Yellow Pad



《Windows 程序设计(第6版)(英文版)(套装上下册)》系经典图书《Windows程序设计》的第6版,全书为新的Windows 8操作系统进行了改写。作者在《Windows 程序设计(第6版 英文版)》中细致地介绍了如何使用现有的C#技能和XAML以及Windows Runtime,创建全屏幕的Windows 8触摸应用程序,内容包括创建和初始化对象、管理和试验动态布局、创建Windows Runtime库、使用MVVM进行数据绑定和控制、使用及编写异步方法、动画过渡和创建2D和3D特效等,此外书中还介绍了操纵位图和富文本、使用GPS和方向传感器、调用Win32和DirectX函数、启用共享、搜索和打印等应用开发技能。
  《Windows 程序设计(第6版)(英文版)(套装上下册)》适合各个层级的Windows开发爱好者阅读使用。


经典图书《Windows程序设计》的新版。Windows 8编程。微软出版社出品
针对windows8 操作系统全新改写。专注于使用c#,XAML和windowsruntime创建应用。
在开始部分中对基本技能进行了介绍。在第二部分中充实windows8 的知识。提供详实的c#和c++代码示例。


尺寸24 × 19装帧平装
页数 300 印数 3000


Windows程序设计是人民邮电出版社于2013.9出版的中图分类号为 TP316.7 的主题关于 Windows操作系统-程序设计-英文 的书籍。