

闻邦椿, 等著








Chapter 1 Applications, Classifications, Principles and Structures of Vibrating Machines

1.1 Applications and classifications of vibrating machines

1.2 Principle and structure of inertial vibrating machines

1.3 Principle and structure of flexible linkage vibrating machines

1.4 Principle and structure of electromagnetic vibrating machines

1.5 Principle and structure of hydraulic vibrating machines

Chapter 2 Prineiples and Design Calculation of Vibrating Machines

2.1 Principles and processing parameters of linear vibrating machines

2.2 Analysis of material motion and computation of parameters for circular and elliptical vibrating machines

2.3 Characteristics of material motion in non-harmonic vibrating machines

2.4 Dynamic characteristics of working process of vibrating machines

Chapter 3 Design and Calculation of Mass, Damping, and Spring Stiffness of Vibrating Machines

3.1 Calculations of the mass of vibration and equivalent damping for material during the sliding process

3.2 High order harmonic vibration caused by non-linear material force

3.3 Calculation of elastic component combining mass of vibrating machines

3.4 Calculation of equivalent damping and power of vibrating machines

3.5 Isolation theory and isolation spring stiffness calculation

3.6 Selection of the frequency ratio and calculation of the spring stiffness for the primary vibrating system in a near-resonant vibrating machine

3.7 Vibration isolation mode, primary vibration mode and response

Chapter 4 Vibratory Synchronization for Vibrating Machines with Dual Motors

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Synchronization theory of plane motion self-synchronous vibrating machines with Single mass

4.3 Vibratory synchronization of spatial motion self-synchronous vibrating machines

4.4 Electromechanical coupling self-synchronous characteristics of elastic link vibrating machines

4.5 Electromechanical coupling analysis of synchronization of electric vibrating machines with two exciting headers

Chapter 5 Design and Computation of Dynamic Parameters for Inertia Vibrating Machines

5.1 Dynamic parameters of non-resonant single-shaft inertial vibrating machines

5.2 Dynamic parameters of non-resonant dual-shaft inertial vibrating machines

5.3 Dynamic parameters of non-resonant multi-shaft vibrating machines

5.4 Dynamic parameters of linear near-resonant inertial vibrating machines

5.5 Dynamic parameters of non-linear near-resonant inertial vibrating machines

5.6 Dynamic parameters of impacting inertial vibrating machines

5.7 Dynamic parameters of inertial vibrating machines

5.8 Adjustment of inertial vibrating machines

Chapter 6 Design and Computation of Dynamic Parameters for Flexible Linkage Vibrating Machines

6.1 Dynamic parameters of linear single-mass flexible linkage vibrating machines

6.2 Dynamic parameters of linear dual-mass flexible linkage vibrating machines

6.3 Dynamic parameters of multi-mass flexible linkage vibrating machines

6.4 Dynamic parameters of nonlinear flexible linkage vibrating machines

6.5 Calculation procedure of dynamic parameters for flexible linkage vibrating machines and examples

6.6 Adjustment of flexible linkage vibrating machines

Chapter 7 Computation of Dynamic Parameters for Electromagnetic Vibrating Machines

7.1 Types of electromagnetic forces of electromagnetic vibrating machines

7.2 Dynamic parameters of linear harmonic force electromagnetic vibrating machines

7.3 Dynamic parameters of non-harmonic force EMVMs

7.4 Dynamic parameters of nonlinear spring force EMVMs

7.5 Computational procedure of dynamic parameters for EMVMs and examples

7.6 Transition process analysis of electromagnetic vibrating machines

7.7 Adjustment of electromagnetic vibrating machines

Chapter 8 Electromagnetic Parameters and Control Systems of Electromagnetic Vibrating Machines

8.1 Excitation methods of electromagnetic vibrating machines

8.2 Electromagnetic force of EMVMs

8.3 Voltage and current of electromagnetic vibrating machines

8.4 Power and power factor of EMVMs

8.5 Computation of electromagnetic parameters for EMVMs

8.6 Control of EMVMs



The working theory and techniques of vibrating machinery are described inthis book. The applications, kinds, working principles and typical constructionsof vibrating machines are introduced in the book briefly. This book describesthe theories of several technical processes, the design and calculation methods oftechnical parameters, calculation and selection methods of the parameters of vibratingsystems, the theories of vibratory synchronization and controlled synchronizationof vibrating machines with dual- or multi-motor drives, the dynamic theories oflinear and nonlinear vibrating machinery (including inertia vibrating machinery,flexible linkage vibrating machines and electromagnetic vibrating machines).Besides these some examples are introduced in this book.
This book can be used by the students and graduate-students of theuniversities to be as the study and reference reader. And this book also can beused by the researchers and designers of the research institute and designenterprises.


尺寸24 × 17装帧精装
页数 380 印数


振动机械理论、技术及其应用是科学出版社于2010.7出版的中图分类号为 TH113.1 的主题关于 机械振动-机械设备-高等学校-教材-英文 的书籍。