Chapter One Liberalism
Ideological Origins of International Politics Theories of Liberalism
Hugo Grotius' thought of international politics
John Locke's thought of international polities
Jean-Jacques Rousseau's thought of international politics
Immanuel Kant's thought of international polities
Jererny Bentham's thought of international politics Idealism
Woodrow Wilson's thought of international politics
Alfred Zimmern's thought of international politics
John Murray's thought of international polities
Appraisement for idealism
Interdependence Liberalism
Defining interdependence
Joseph Nye and Robert Keohane's thought of complex interdependence
Neoliberal institutionalism
Robert Keohane's international regimes theory
Oran Young's international regime theory
Republican Liberalism
Democratic peace theory
Michael Doyle's thought of democratic peace
Bruce Russett's thought of democratic peace
Chapter Two Realism
Legacy of Realism
Thucydides and the History of the Peloponnesian War
Niccolb Machiavelli and The Prince
Thomas Hobbes and the Leviathan
George Hegel's thought of realism
Max Weber's thought of realism
Classical Realism
E. H. Carr and The Twenty Years' Crisis
Reinhold Niebuhr's thought of Christian realism
Hans Morgenthau and Politics among Nations
George Kennan and strategy of containment
Raymond Aron and Peace and War
John Herz's thought between realism and idealism
Henry Kissinger and diplomatic thought of realism Neo-realism
Kenneth Waltz and Theory of International Politics
Robert Gilpin and War and Change in World Politics
The New Development of Realism
Offensive realism
Defensive realism
Neoclassical Realism
Appraisement for Realism
Chapter Three Scientific Behavioralism
Karl Deutsch and his quintessence of scientific behavioralism
Morton Kaplan and international systems theory
Chapter Four English School
Martin Wight and thought from pacifism to rationalism
Hedley Bull and thought of the anarchic society
John Vincent and solidarism
Barry Buzan and the remaking of the English School
Chapter Five Constructivism
Nicholas Onuf and rule- oriented constructivism
Alexander Wendt and social constructivist theory
Chapter Six Marxism
International Politics Theories of Classical Marxism
International politics thoughts of Marx and Engels
International politics thought of Lenin
Development of Marxist International Politics Theories in China
Mao Zedong's thought of international politics
Deng Xiaoping's thought of international politics
Jiang Zemin's thought of international politics
Hu Jintao's thought of international politics
Neo-Marxism in the Research of International Politics
Dependency theory
World system theory
Critical theory
Chapter Seven Other Theoretical Schools of Western International Politics
Normative Theory
Feminist Theory
Historical Sociology
Chapter Eight Traditional Chinese International Politics Culture
Guanzi's Thought of International Politics
Laozi's Thought of International Politics
Confucius' Thought of International Politics
Mencius' Thought of International Politics
Xunzi's Thought of International Politics
Mozi's Thought of International Politics
Han Feizi's Thought of International Politics
Sun Tzu's Thought of International Politics
王柏松所著的《国际政治理论——范式与流派》内容涉及自由主义、现实主义、英国学派、建构主义、马克思主义、规范理论、女性主义、后现代主义、历史社会学及中国传统国际政治文化等宏观理论和思想。比较全面、系统地展示了国际政治学科中多变复杂的学术场景与知识谱系。王柏松所著的《国际政治理论——范式与流派》对世界产生重大影响的国际政治理论范式与流派进行了系统的梳理与研究,内容涉及自由主义、现实主义、英国学派、建构主义、马克思主义、规范理论、女性主义、后现代主义、历史社会学及中国传统国际政治文化等宏观理论和思想。比较全面、系统地展示了国际政治学科中多变复杂的学术场景与知识谱系。 《国际政治理论——范式与流派》适用于具有一定英语基础并渴望对国际政治理论流派有更多解析的读者学习与研究所用。【作者简介】王柏松,山东理工大学法学院副教授,东北师范大学政治学在读博士。主要从事政治学理论研究。发表论文30余篇。主编教材一部,出版英语专著一部。山东省第二批省级双语示范课程《国际政治学》项目负责人。
(美) 华尔兹 (Waltz,K.N.) , 著
(美) 肯尼思·华尔兹 (Kenneth N. Waltz) , 著
(美) 华尔兹 (Waltz,K.N.) , 著
(美) 沃尔兹, 著
饶银华, 王奎, 著
(美) 德雷兹纳 (Drezner,D.W.) , 著
李云霞, 靳利华, 著
(加) 诺林·里普斯曼, (美) 杰弗里·托利弗, (美) 斯蒂芬·洛贝尔, 著
吴征宇, 著