

康志峰, 著







康志峰,1964年8月生于河北石家庄,复旦大学外文学院副教授,博士,硕士生导师。中国翻译协会专家会员,中国英汉语比较研究会会员,应用翻译理论与教学文库专家委员会委员。研究方向为口译理论与实践、口译与认知心理跨学科研究、认知语言学等。 主持2012年教育部人文社科规划项目“认知心理视阈下的口译焦虑模态研究”和2011年上海市哲学社会科学规划项目“口译中听、译两种焦虑模态的认知心理研究”等多项研究项目。在《外语教学》、《外语界》、《外语研究》、《外语教学理论与实践》、《中国科技翻译》、《外语与外语教学》、《外国语言文学论丛》、《外语与翻译》、《修辞学习》等核心期刊发表论文三四十篇,出版专著、教材、教辅等40余部。翻译实践经验丰富,曾为世博会、财富论坛、上海花卉博览会、荷兰球茎集团公司、远距离开放教育、美国惠普公司等多家单位做同声翻译、谈判翻译、陪同翻译和笔译工作等。


Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Statement of the Problem

1.2 Context of the Study

1.2.1 Interpretation Studies in the West

1.2.2 Interpretation Studies in China

1.2.3 The Development of Cognitive Psychology

1.3 Methodology and Rationale of the Study

1.4 The Main Issues to Be Researched

1.5 Significance and Feasibility of the Study

1.5.1 The Theoretical Significance of the Study

1.5.2 The Realistic Significance of the Study

1.5.3 Feasibility of the Study

1.6 Dissertation Chapter Organization

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 General Anxiety Research

2.1.1 The Classification of General Anxiety

2.1.2 Distinctions of General Anxiety

2.1.3 Effects of General Anxiety Theory on This Study

2.2 Interpretation Memory Research

2.2.1 Memory Processing Research

2.2.2 Memory Mechanism in Interpretation

2.2.3 Summary

2.3 AP Research

2.3.1 Auditory Physiology Research

2.3.2 Auditory Attention Research

2.3.3 Listening and Interpreting Research

2.3.4 The Design of AA Mode

2.4 IA Research

2.4.1 Difficulty of SL

2.4.2 Syntactic Differences Between SL and TL

2.4.3 The Relevance of Cognitive Psyehology to Interpreting

2.4.4 Anxiety and Interpreting Aptitude

2.4.5 Enlightenment of the Newest Studies

2.4.6 Summary

2.4.7 The Design of LA Mode

Chapter Three Theoretical Exploration of AA Mode

3.1 InitIAtive AA Mode Research

3.2 The Purpose of AA Mode Study

3.3 Definition of AA Mode

3.4 The Sources, the Scope and the Severity of AA

3.4.1 The Sources of AA

3.4.2 The Scope of AA Mode

3.4.3 The Severity of AA

3.5 The Impacts of AA on Interpretation

3.5.1 AA impacts on input

3.5.2 AA impacts on ip

3.5.3 AA impacts on interpreting output

3.6 Summary

Chapter Four Theoretical Exploration of LA Mode

4.1 The Purpose of IA Mode Study

4.2 Definition of IA Mode and Relationship Between IA Mode and Interpreting

4.3 The Sources of IA

4.3.1 Illocutionary Stressors of IA

4.3.2 Locutionary stressors of IA

4.4 The Psychological Analyses of IA Mode

4.4.1 Fear of Public Interpreting

4.4.2 Standing in Evaluation of others

4.4.3 Lack of Self-Confidence and Insecurity

4.4.4 Feelings of Threat

4.5 The Manifestation of IA

4.6 Scale of Students' IA

4.6.1 Scale of Traditional Interpreting Anxiety

4.6.2 Theoretical Bases of IAS

4.6.3 Scope of Students' IA

4.7 Severity of Students' IA

4.7.1 Severity of HA

4.7.2 Severity of LA

4.8 IA Impacts on Interpreting

4.8.1 HA Impacts

4.8.2 LA Impacts


Chapter Five Empirical Studies of AA Mode

Chapter Six Empirical Studies of IA Empirical Mode

Chapter Seven Correlation Between AA Mode and IA Mode

Chapter Eight Concluding Remarks

Appendix A CTAS

Appendix B Questionnaire Ⅰ

Appendix C Questionnaire Ⅱ

Appendix D Questionnaire Ⅲ

Appendix E Questionnaire Ⅳ

Appendix F Questionnaire Ⅴ

Appendix G Questionnaire Ⅵ

Appendix H Questionnaire Ⅶ





尺寸21 × 15装帧平装
页数 290 印数


认知心理视阈下的口译研究是国防工业出版社于2012.9出版的中图分类号为 H315.9 的主题关于 英语-口译-研究 的书籍。