

丁卫, 叶海虹, 主编







Chapter 1 Overview of Genetics

1.1 Role of Genetics in Medicine

1.2 Brief History

1.3 Classification of Genetic Disorders

1.4 Future of Medical Genetics

Chapter 2 Molecular Basis of Heredity

2.1 DNA Structure and Replication

2.2 Organization of Human Genome

2.3 Gene Expression

2.4 Mutation and Polymorphism

Chapter 3 Chromosomal Basis of Heredity

3.1 Characteristics of Human Chromatin and Chromosomes

3.2 Sex Determination

3.3 Variation in Chromosome Number

3.4 Variation in Chromosome Structure

3.5 Disorders of Autosomes and the Sex Chromosome

Chapter 4 Single-gene Disorders

4.1 Pedigree and Pedigree Analysis

4.2 Autosomal Dominant Disease

4.3 Autosomal Recessive Disease

4.4 X-Iinked Dominant Genetic Disease

4.5 X-1inked Recessive Genetic Disease

4.6 Y-Iinked Genetic Disease

4.7 Influencing Factors in the Analysis of Single-gene Disorders

Chapter 5 Mitochondrial Inherited Disorders

5.1 Structure, Function and Inheritance of Mitochondria

5.2 Mitochondrial DNA Mutations and Common Mitochondrial Diseases

Chapter 6 Multifactorial Genetic Disorders

6.1 Characteristics of Multifactorial Traits

6.2 Inheritance of Multifactorial (Complex) Disorders

6.3 Factors Affecting Estimation of Recurrence Risk for Multifactorial Disorders

Chapter 7 Human Biochemical Disorders

7.1 Hemoglobinopathy

7.2 Hemophilia

7.3 Collagen Diseases

7.4 Receptor Protein Disease

7.5 Enzyme Protein Disease

Chapter 8 Population Genetics

8.1 Population Genetic Equilibrium

8.2 Factors Affecting Population Genetic Equilibrium

8.3 Genetic Load

Chapter 9 Tumor Genetics

9.1 Chromosomal Aberration and Tumors

9.2 Oncogene

9.3 Tumor Suppressor Gene

9.4 Genetic Mechanisms of Tumorigenesis

9.5 Hereditary Malignant Tumors

Chapter 10 Diagnosis of Genetic Disorders

10.1 Symptomatic Diagnosis

10.2 Presymptomatic Diagnosis

10.3 Prenatal Diagnosis

Chapter 11 Therapy of Hereditary Disease

11.1 General Principles and Concerns

11.2 Surgical, Pharmacological and Dietary Therapy

11.3 Gene Therapy

Chapter 12 Prevention of Genetic Disorders

12.1 Genetic Screening

12.2 Genetic Counseling

12.3 Genetic Register


Global developments in medicine and health shape trends in medical education. And in China education reform has become an important focus as the country strives to meet the basic requirements for developing a medical education system that meets international standards. Significant medical developments abroad are now being incorporated into the education of both domestic and international-medical students in China, which includes students from the districts of China's Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan that are taught through mandarin Chinese as well as students from a variety of other regions that are taught through the English language. This latter group creates higher demands for both schools and teachers.
  Unfortunately there is no consensus as to how to improve the level and quality of education for these students or even as to which English language materials should be used. Some teachers prefer to directly use original English language materials, while others make use of Chinese medical textbooks with the help of English language medical notes. The lack of consensus has emerged from the lack of English language medical textbooks based on the characteristics of modern medical education in China.


尺寸28 × 22装帧平装
页数印数 3000


医学遗传学是高等教育出版社于2014.4出版的中图分类号为 R394 的主题关于 医学遗传学-医学院校-教材-英文 的书籍。