2017-2108学年人教版 必修六 Unit 5 The power of nature- Language points课件(24张PPT)
2017-2108学年人教版 必修六 Unit 5 The power of nature- Language points课件(24张PPT)第3页

 一:aid ----- ( help日常用法)-- assistance 1)-辅助性工具: a hearing aid 助听器, 2)-援助,帮助,foreign aid medical aid do/ give/ offer first aid to sb 给予急救 perform first aid on sb 进行急救 with the aid( help) of 在…的帮助下 in aid of :为了帮助 be an aid to sb/sth : 对来说有帮助 Come to one’s aid 来帮助某人 1. He ______________________ when I was in trouble. 2. This book is _______________ to your listening.幻灯片 2 3. We tried to collect money ____________ the Hope Project.

came to my aid/ help

a great aid

in aid of