2019--2020学年译林版必修一Unit 1 School Life word power课件(15张)
2019--2020学年译林版必修一Unit 1 School Life word power课件(15张)第3页

Complete the sentences

earn, respect, achieve, attend, experience, prepare, drop, miss 1) Only 6 people ______ the meeting so the chairman went angry. 2) Many new students ______ feelings of being upset or anxious in a new school. 3) Plans for a school swimming pool were ______ because of the lack of money. 4) He ______ nearly $20, 000 a year. 5) China has ______ the highest rate of economic growth in Asia. 6) Let’s go home. Mum is ______ supper for us. 7) When George was away, I really ______ him. 8) He’s not the most popular teacher, but the students ______ him.