2019学年度人教版选修七Unit3Under the seaPeriod5using language教案设计(9页word版)
2019学年度人教版选修七Unit3Under the seaPeriod5using language教案设计(9页word版)第2页

Read the text again to: cut/ the sentence into thought groups, blacken the predicates, darken the connectives and underline all the useful collocations.

3. Finding collocations and making sentences

There are several different types of collocation made from combinations of verb, noun, adjective etc. Some of the most common types are:

• Adverb + Adjective: completely satisfied (NOT downright satisfied)

• Adjective + Noun: excruciating pain (NOT excruciating joy)

• Noun + Noun: a surge of anger (NOT a rush of anger)

• Noun + Verb: lions roar (NOT lions shout)

• Verb + Noun: commit suicide (NOT undertake suicide)

• Verb + Expression With Preposition: burst into tears (NOT blow up in tears)

• Verb + Adverb: wave frantically (NOT wave feverishly)

  You are asked to read the text and find all the useful collocations and copy them into your Collocation Book after class as homework. You may make your own sentences with these collocations.

Collocations from A New Dimension of life sit in the warm night air坐在温暖的夜色中, with a cold drink in my hand手中拿一杯冷饮, reflect on/ upon...回顾......, a day of pure magic充满神奇的一天, go snorkeling使用呼吸管潜泳, the most fantastic thing最异想天开/了不起的事情, such extraordinary beauty如此特别的美, discover a whole new dimension of life发现一种全新的生活空间, be aware of ...意识到......, the vivid colours 生动的色彩, be shaped like...形状像......, swim in and around...环绕......来来回回游, clean the bodies of large fish清洁大鱼的身体, get inside...钻进......去, around every corner到处, hang upside down倒挂, gather tiny plants off the coral从上珊瑚中收集微小的植物, a hard bird-like mouth一个硬硬的像鸟一样的嘴, a blue sea- star一个蓝色的海星, look straight at...径直地看......, a large wise-looking turtle一个大而智慧的海龟, get too close接近, strong sharp teeth坚固锋利的牙齿,(on the)watch for密切注意,看守着, be half buried in ...半埋在......中, each about one and a half metres long每条大约1.5米长, appear from behind...从......后面出现, stop... from阻止......做......, feel scared to death感觉吓得要死, for a moment片刻, the edge of the reef悬崖的边缘, look down into depths of the ocean俯瞰海洋的深处, (heart)beat wildly(心)狂跳, in such deep clear water在这么清澈的水中, a wonderful, limitless world一个奇妙的无限的世界