2019-2020学年高一英语人教版必修2课件:Unit 3 Section Ⅰ Warming UpPre-readingReading & Comprehending
2019-2020学年高一英语人教版必修2课件:Unit 3 Section Ⅰ Warming UpPre-readingReading & Comprehending第2页

【语篇导读】互联网的普及影响到了我们生活的方方面面,下面我们来一起具体了解一下。 The maximum① effect of the Internet is actually on the daily life of the individuals because indeed there is no aspect of life which is not influenced by the Internet and its uses.  Life has become extremely smooth and easy over the Internet,while in the previous years seeking for a job required several visits to the offices and companies and interviews,these days all what is required is your detail resume emailed to the company’s analysis division which assures② you of any possibilities for getting the job instead of waiting and getting rejected in the end.