2014高中英语(牛津译林版必修1,安徽专用)同步课件:Unit 3 Looking good,feeling good Section ⅠWelcome to the unit,Reading
2014高中英语(牛津译林版必修1,安徽专用)同步课件:Unit 3 Looking good,feeling good Section ⅠWelcome to the unit,Reading第3页

2.I have to starve myself to lose weight. Very low­calorie diets are dangerous.This should be done only with medical supervision,and only when there is a medical need to lose a lot of weight as fast as possible.Gradual weight loss is much healthier,and much easier. 3.I have to diet to lose weight. One diet after another isn't the answer.A consistent plan for a healthier lifestyle lays the groundwork for lasting weight loss.