2019-2020学年度人教版必修一Unit4 EarthquakesPeriod5Using language- listening and Speaking课件(14张)
2019-2020学年度人教版必修一Unit4 EarthquakesPeriod5Using language-  listening and Speaking课件(14张)第3页

Translate the following into English . E. 2 (page 63) 1. She was too nervous to eat anything the evening before. 2. When the second quake was felt, people ran out their houses right away. 3.  After that terrible disaster, 60% of homeless children were sent to live in other safe cities. 4. They used candles al the time instead of electricity. 5.  A little girl was dug out the ruins to the north of the factory. 6.  We were very proud of the soldiers who rescued the boys from the rushing water. 7.  We need to honour those who organized the rescue work.