高中英语: unit 3 the million pound bank note-extensive reading 课件 人教版必修3
高中英语: unit 3 the million pound bank note-extensive reading 课件 人教版必修3第2页

1. 他妈妈是不会允许他晚归的。 His mother wouldn’t permit him to come back late. 2. 他登上飞往巴黎的飞机时偶然被警方认出。 He was spotted by police by accident boarding a plane for Paris. 3. 你曾和你朋友打过赌吗? Have you made a bet with your friends? 4. 他对他的愚蠢的行为做出的解释实在是 难以置信。 What accounts for his silly behavior is really unbelievable.