2014高中英语(牛津译林版必修1,安徽专用)同步课件:Unit 3 Looking good,feeling good Section ⅠWelcome to the unit,Reading
2014高中英语(牛津译林版必修1,安徽专用)同步课件:Unit 3 Looking good,feeling good Section ⅠWelcome to the unit,Reading第2页

Food Tips:5 Diet Traps to Avoid 1.Eat all you want and still lose weight. Sounds too good to be true,right?It is.Your extra weight is energy stored up as fat.To lose weight,more energy has to come out than goes in.When you move your body,you burn calories.When you eat or drink anything other than noncaloric beverages like water or tea,you take in calories.If you burn more than you take in,you lose weight.