2019-2020学年北师大版高一英语课堂优化课件必修1:Unit 1 Lifestyles Lesson 4 City and Country(共34张PPT)
2019-2020学年北师大版高一英语课堂优化课件必修1:Unit 1 Lifestyles  Lesson 4 City and Country(共34张PPT)第2页

Ⅰ. 阅读理解(根据课文内容选择正确答案) 1. From the two passages we can know that     . A. Debbie has to get up very early but Paul doesn’t have to B. Debbie goes to work by car every day C. Debbie is rather tired of the underground D. Paul has to travel far away to work every day 2. From the last paragraph of Passage 2,we can infer that     . A. Paul’s wife does not like movies B. Paul often goes to the movies C. Paul doesn’t like all the crowds and the noise in London D. when Paul’s children see the tube,they will get very excited
