2019-2020学年人教版高一英语必修1亮点课件:Unit4EarthquakesPeriod5Using language--writing课件
2019-2020学年人教版高一英语必修1亮点课件:Unit4EarthquakesPeriod5Using language--writing课件第3页

1.There are two pieces of breathtaking news that happened this week. 以下是本周两条激动人心的消息。 2.A group of students from a British school came to our school for an exchange visit on July 1. 7月1号一个英国学生访问团对我校进行了交流访问。 3.In the morning they had a nice talk with some student representatives from our school. 上午他们和我们学校的学生代表进行了友好的座谈。 4.A fireworks explosion killed five people and injured eight others in the city of...在……城市,一次烟火爆炸使五人丧生、八人受伤。 5.The accident took place at about 2:00 pm.这次事故发生在下午两点左右。 6.What’s worse,...更糟的是,……