2015-2016学年北师大版 选修七 unit 20 New FrontiersLesson 2 Artificial Intelligence课件 (25)
2015-2016学年北师大版 选修七 unit 20 New FrontiersLesson 2 Artificial Intelligence课件 (25)第4页

2.Future perfect(将来完成时) 构成:shall/will have+动词的过去分词 用法: 表示动作或状态延续到将来某一时间.常用 延续性动词,并有一个表示将来某一时间的状语 或状语从句. Eg: He will have been in the army for 10 years by next June. We shall have walked a long way before we reach the village. 表示动作或状态在将来某一时间以前已经 结束,但其影响却延续到那一时间. Eg: I shall have finished my homework by ten o’clock. When the old man comes next week, his son will have left for Shanghai.