【学案导学】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语必修一: Unit1 Reading
【学案导学】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语必修一: Unit1 Reading第2页

How much do you know about the school life in the UK?

Test :

Schools in Britain starts around________ and ends about ________.On the first day, all of the students should _____________ in the school hall. During the assembly, the headmaster tells the students the rules of the school and the best way to _________from others. Every class in Britain has an average of ____ students, but it is still _________ for students to remember all the other faces and names, because they have different students in some classes. Students there can __________________ if they don’t like some subjects. British people like eating _________ at the end of their main meal.

9 a.m.

3.30 p.m.

attend an assembly

earn respect


a struggle

stop studying some subjects
