【发散思维】2018-2019学年人教版高二英语选修7课件:专题03 Under the sea(课件)
【发散思维】2018-2019学年人教版高二英语选修7课件:专题03 Under the sea(课件)第1页

 一、重点词汇 考点1.annual adj. 每年的;按年度计算的 n. 年刊;年鉴 【教材原句】 It was a time when the killer whales, or “killers” as they were then called, helped the whalers catch the baleen whales that were on their annual migration. 在那个时期, 虎鲸,当时被称作“杀手”,帮助捕鲸者捕杀每年迁徙途中的须鲸。 【例句研读】 (1) It's an_____l report.这是年度报告。 (2)Your birthday is an annual event. 你的生日是____都要庆祝的。

