【优化设计】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语必修1 Unit 3Looking good,feeling good《Word power》课件1
【优化设计】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语必修1 Unit 3Looking good,feeling good《Word power》课件1第3页

 Nov. 1, 2005, Tuesday Sunny Tomorrow is the open day for the sports clubs at school. There are many new clubs. Now that I’m in Senior High, I can join clubs like the archery club or the gymnastics club. I was never very good at these two sports so maybe I will choose the martial arts club. Hmm, maybe I don’t want to get hurt. I think I would like to join the folk dancing club as I quite like dancing. There is also the skating club. What about baseball or softball? Everyone is playing these new sports now. It may be fun. Oh! I really don’t know which sport to choose. I will decide tomorrow.