
11. Different from Jim, Betty _______(更喜欢) to eat apples. 12. There are two _______________(表演)of the musical show each night. 13. The rainy season is coming. We should be well ________(有准备的) to prevent the flood. 14. This kind of desk is __________(设计) for the children who are shortsighted. 15.On a very important occasion, it is necessary to wear __________(正式的)clothes. 16. I often watch another film, they are showing some good ones _______________(目前) 17.Please ____________(调小)the radio, because the baby is sleeping. 18. He was disappointed to find that he suggestions __________________(拒绝) 19.It was raining heavily in the morning but it ________________(结果是) to be fine in the evening. 20. I don’t mind picking up your things from the store,________________(况且,而且) the walk will do me good.