译林牛津版必修1Unit 2 Growing pains word power(共21张PPT)
译林牛津版必修1Unit 2 Growing pains word power(共21张PPT)第2页

Read the dialogue and answer the two questions below: 1. what is it that Joe can’t find in the bathroom? 2. why can’t he find it?

(Joe is an American who has come to Britain for the first time.) Nancy: Oh, there you are. Now then, did you have a good flight? Joe: Sure, we flew all the way direct from Seattle to London. Nancy: You must be very tired. Did you sleep at all on the plane? Joe: No, not really. I’m very tired. Could I use your bathroom? Nancy: Why, of course. You don’t need to ask, just make yourself at home. Let me give you a towel (毛巾) . Joe: A towel? Nancy: Yes. Here you are. The bathroom is upstairs. It’s the second door on the left. Joe: Thanks, Nancy. If you’ll excuse me now. ( after a while) Nancy: Have you found it? Joe: Well, eh yes, I mean no ---- I mean, I found the bathroom, but I didn’t find what I was looking for!