2015-2016学年北师大版 选修七 unit 20 New FrontiersLesson 2 Artificial Intelligence课件 (28)
2015-2016学年北师大版 选修七 unit 20 New FrontiersLesson 2 Artificial Intelligence课件 (28)第5页

True (T) or False (F). (1)Percy Spencer discovered microwaves by mistake.(  ) (2)Einstein was at work when he thought of the equation “E= mc2”. (  ) (3)The person who discovered penicillin was Alexander Fleming. (  ) (4)Fleming had been studying bacteria in his laboratory when the discovery happened. (  ) (5)During the Second World War, Fleming's discovery helped to cure plenty of people. (  ) 答案:(1)~(5) TFTFT